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10 hours after block

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 1:53 am
hi there , I got pudendal neve block this morning after 10 month on pain and having all kind of test i got to bring up the pudendal storie from internet to get some kind of diagnose. so far no pelvic pain in the first 10 hours . i will start to take lyrica tonight 75 mg twice a day i was wondering if for any of you the pain have gone beee with nerve block only

Re: 10 hours after block

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 2:47 am
by Budgie
Hi edujaso

Was it a CT guided nerve block? Usually the consultant will inject a steroid and something like Lidocaine to numb the area around the nerve. Did you have it under sedation? If so, there will probably still be some of that in your system (as well as the steroid and Lidocane) which will also numb the pain.

I've had several nerve blocks done in the last 8 months or so. All of them gave some relief for the first day or so and then the pain flared up. The last time, in May, when I had them done under CT guidance I had the worst pain flare up I've ever had and it lasted about 2 and a half months :cry: I don't want to put you off and I sincerely hope that your pain relief continues permanently. However, I'm just letting you know that very often you will get a flare up of the pain and your consultant should have told you that. Usually it lasts 7-10 days they reckon.

Very often the injections will relax the muscles in the pelvic area too so if some of your pain was from that then that will probably be improved too.

Of course, everyone is different and the same procedure on two people can have completely different effects. Take it a day at a time and ensure you take your Pregabalin. I've never taken Pregabalin - I take 2800mg of Gabapentin a day (which is a related drug), and that had to be introduced gradually. Are you going straight onto 150mg of Pregabalin a day? If so, I'm not sure whether that drug should also be introduced gradually - worth checking (I'm sure someone more knowledgable on here will let you know for sure).

Hope your pain relief continues!


Re: 10 hours after block

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 1:53 pm
by hauben6
We all have different experiences, different levels of pain, and different doctors providing the injections. I have had 3 ct guided pn blocks...the first one gave me very little relief, but relief nontheless. The second and third ones were wonderful. Initial numbness, some soreness from injection site, but overall a good experience. I am scheduled for my fourth one on 8/ couldnt come soon enough.

Re: 10 hours after block

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 11:35 pm
by helenlegs 11
Hi edujaso and welcome to HOPE.
Really good news that the block has worked so well for you so far. . . . hopefully for a lot longer too.
Let us know how you get on with your medication too.
Take care,