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pt at home ?
Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 4:17 pm
by hope4eva
anyone know of pt i can do at home what is diffrent about pudendal pt from reg ? i know the exercises for reg pt but since my insurance wont cover me to see a therapist trained in pudendal is there anything i can do at home thanks i feel lost
Re: pt at home ?
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:34 pm
by Karyn
hope4eva wrote:my insurance wont cover me to see a therapist trained in pudendal
Does your insurance cover PT at all?
Re: pt at home ?
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:23 pm
by hope4eva
yea i did reg pt with a therapist who dosent know about PN & i cant do again ,my symptoms have changed since when i was doing the pt i didnt have genital pain as bad as i do now i have a deep pain that my pt wouldnt adresss cuz of how deep it is .after pt is when the genital pain got worse and i cant stand or sit without pain . its driving me crazy to live like this !
Re: pt at home ?
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:20 pm
by Karyn
Yes, this is very difficult to live with!
I understand what you mean about the first PT making your symptoms worse. That happened to me, too. My second PT was much better:
more gentle, knowledgeable and experienced with pelvic pain. She was actually the one who initally diagnosed my PN. Unfortunately, I didn't benefit one iota from her treatments, but at least I now know why the PT was ineffective.
Hope4eva - I don't understand why your insurance company would cover "regular" PT but not pelvic floor PT. Who's your insurance carrier? I always thought PT was PT
Re: pt at home ?
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:09 am
by hope4eva
i did pelvic floor therapy but not with someone trained in pn i meant what is diffrent from pelvic pt and pn pt ?
Re: pt at home ?
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 11:32 am
by helenlegs 11
I haven't had either (just normal PT) so probably shouldn't comment but if the practitioner is not aware of pudendal nerve problems they may make the pain situation worse for a while. I know that can happen sometimes anyway, but the PN aware PT would at least know the reason and be able to use a different approach and will understand the problem better. Pelvic floor PT's often advise kegal exercises which can cause more pain too.
Here are two articles that may be of interest. Although they don't answer the exact question, they touch on it. ... nd-e-stim/ ... sion-like/
Re: pt at home ?
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 1:02 pm
by Karyn
Very well said, Helen!
Hope4eva - to the best of my knowledge, there is no "PN Physcial Therapy". You would see someone who specializes in Pelvic Floor PT and who (hopefully!) is PN aware.
For how long and where did you go for PT?
Re: pt at home ?
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:43 pm
by helenlegs 11
Here is a new article more in line with your question hope4eva. probably a good one for many to have a read through.
It is more about a tight pelvic floor, which many with PN suffer from, especially if is it not from a trauma related cause.
This is how it begins
Tight pelvic floor muscles are just as problematic as weak ones but much less is written about them.
We regularly hear the call to action strengthen your pelvic floor, do your exercises every day, squeeze, squeeze and squeeze again ………but there is a significant group of people who SHOULD NOT STRENGTHEN THEIR PELVIC FLOOR yes I said SHOULD NOT.
This is the group of men and women whose pelvic floors are so tight and over-tensed that doing pelvic exercises will get them nowhere and in fact will make matters worse.
How can doing pelvic floor exercises be bad for me? How do I tell if that is the case with me …and if so, what do I do instead?
Take care,
Re: pt at home ?
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:18 pm
by hope4eva
thanks ill read the articles the pt i had did tell me not to kegal right away then she said short ones like a few secs were ok my pain is either very deep way past where she can reach with finger or genital i did 12 wks but a few apts she cancelled ,if there isnt any guidelines for pelvic pt and pn other than being aware and being more gental than it may not b to my benefit to try more since this didnt work for me ,my symptoms have changed when i was doing pt i didnt have bad genital pain like i do now i could have sex comfortably and sit for long periods now sex is painful and genital area is constant burning
Re: pt at home ?
Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 12:47 pm
by Karyn
Maybe it's time to hang up the PT since it's not working for you. Did you ever have your consult and EMG with Dr. Conway?