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Revealing Symptom While Walking?

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 3:21 pm
by JackieOUCH
I took a very short walk this morning (please see "walking" topic for effects of walking on my PN and others) without my radio on.

Because I didn't have the distraction of the sound from the radio....I noticed a distinct "thud" in the area I have the most pain (right side/very deep where leg meets body...but my left side and legs, butt, bladder, bowel area hurt too)....

I will try to explain this with the most detail I can......Here goes.....

The thud occurs as my LEFT LEG is fully extended forward and I'm about to push off to take a step with my other words....when my RIGHT LEG is in it's furthers BACK postion while walking....Does this make sense to anyone?

Feels like a tendon, ligament.....

I've had it before, it doesn't hurt while it's making the thud....but it is in the general area of my worst pain....I KNOW IT HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH IT....and I've always believed my issues are mechanical, but aggravated by endometriosis and other problems....

Anybody else experience this?

Any ideas on what comes into play when the leg is backward flexed?

Less pain everybody.

Jackie OUCH

Re: Revealing Symptom While Walking?

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 5:42 pm
by Amanda
Very good topic Jackie, I havent noticed a thud as such more of a pulling on the ligament surrounding my right hip.
Its almost like something is trying to pull itself free....which it probably is!

Re: Revealing Symptom While Walking?

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 2:51 pm
by Karyn
Hi Jackie,
Have you been to a PT lately? They would be able to diagnose this disturbing symptom.
Warm regards,

Re: Revealing Symptom While Walking?

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 4:03 pm
by JackieOUCH
Have never had luck with PT's

They end up aggravating my pain and treating it as a disc problem which of course makes me worse.

I have full motion in my joints, but of course it hurts AFTER they test me, not while, so they say I'm fine.

I will never allow ANYONE to lift my right leg higher than my hip again!!!! That's a killer.

Was reading about the labral hip tear....wondering if that could be in play......I think I have several things going on.....and as usual, I don't want the main thing to be the PN, because you all know it's so complicated and hard to treat...

Less pain,

Jackie OUCH

Re: Revealing Symptom While Walking?

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 3:00 pm
by Karyn
Hi Jackie-O,
No, I've never had any luck with PT, either. However, I do believe they are very good at identifying problem areas. If you scheduled an appointment for an evaluation - NO treatment; it may give you some answers. ;)
Less pain back atcha,