Two Types Of Constipation
Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:55 pm
I have struggled with constipation since the physician who originally did my bladder sling surgery tried to manually manipulate it through the vaginal wall . Ouchie, doesn't even begin to describe how painful that was. The bladder sling manipulation brought on my constipation problems and I didn't have a BM for almost a week after he did that. Most pain specialist I see tell me it is my medication and I tell them "no, it is an actual physical problem." I knew it was my pelvic floor as the only thing that has ever helped was botox to the pelvic floor and pelvic floor PT. (Side note: I can't do pelvic floor PT unless I have had botox because the manual internal PT flares me too much otherwise.) I recently did some relaxation biofeedback (reverse Kegel) and my resting baseline was 15 millivolts while normal resting should be 2. I felt vindicated after all these years!!! Just to mention that was 2 weeks after I had botox and my PT having worked internally for about 15 minutes before checking my baseline. PT figured I was running at least 20-25 before. No wonder I couldn't poop . After practicing the relaxation techniques and I think the botox has kicked in more I'm now running about a 7 and can get it down to a 4 with concentration. I have alot of fasciculations (small, local, involuntary alternating muscle contractions and relaxations) of the pelvic floor as my biofeedback recording looks like a city landscape and not smooth. Anyway, below is a great link that describes the two types of constipation. Hope this helps anyone else out there that struggles with this simple pleasure in life - a good BM . ... ehind-you/ ... ehind-you/