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New 3T MRI scanner in London

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 9:20 pm
by Question
Just to let anybody who is interested in the UK know - there is now a 3T MRI machine at the the UCLH (University College London Hospital) in Euston/Warren Street, London. It costs about £1400 for Lumbar and Pelvis MRI read I think by Dr Margaret Hall-Craggs, a radiologist. Dunno whether the NHS cover it but I do know BUPA don't as guessing the technology is too new. Anyway, just thought I would mention.

Re: New 3T MRI scanner in London

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 10:18 pm
by helenlegs 11
Thanks for this info. I haven't heard of this radiologist . . . . it will be interesting to find out what results she may find in the pelvic region especially. Would love to see some reports.
Good news,

Re: New 3T MRI scanner in London

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 12:40 am
by stratts
Hi Helen,

Thats interesting to know. I do wonder if it is available on NHS?

I am getting confused Helen. Is this an MRN scanner or equivalent? If not what is the difference. I thought we now had an MRN scanner in London?

Re: New 3T MRI scanner in London

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 10:14 am
by helenlegs 11
I will have a stab at answering but this info is only what I have gleaned from other far more knowledgeable people. . . . I think MRI and MRN can be viewed as the same thing really it's just the set up and 'evolution' of the machine that can make a difference. Because Dr Filler patented his (collaborated) discoveries in NERVE imaging, he calls his MRN and I'm sure there must be some differences but don't ask me what :?
It's all to do with set up and coils?? apparently Dr Fillers are 1.5 Tesla and obviously there is this 3T option now which just makes the image easier to read. However because Dr F is doing this with his 'own invention' he has the set up exactly how he likes it and it is that combination of set up, software and competent radiologist which is all important. The other thing is that they are both expensive and the findings may be inconclusive.
Can anyone else elaborate?