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Workers Compensation covered my PNE

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 10:20 pm
by bradley
I have a thread already that describes my situation. I began a new job that required prolonged sitting, 8 hours per day non stop then increasing to 10 hours plus per day. The chair I had was inadequate, poorly padded and not correct for my height and desk height. After the initial soreness, the full blown PN started and I instantly began standing and after realising the pain wasn't going away still, I filed workers comp.

I was seen by my primary, gave him much of the informational printouts from this site and talked to him about the injury. He agreed that it was Pudendal Nerve pain and diagnosed pudendal neuralgia. That was on symptoms alone. I then was sent to see the IME, who was somewhat curt and questioned me like an interrogation, jumping around to try to trip me up on my dates and whatnot. According to him, it was a million to one injury and could absolutely NOT be caused by work as I have plenty of padding on my butt. Turns out he is a hand specialist, lol.

I contacted a good lawyer that is covered in Oregon to fight denials. I then got in touch with Dr. Jerome Weiss and his wife who were amazingly supportive and helpful. I ended up making an appointment to see him, then suffered a 10 hour drive (luckily my beautiful wife drove me) and stayed at a nice little hotel right across from Dr Weiss's clinic. I was in and out within an hour and got a great work over and confirmed diagnosis. His report, along with his experience and credentials, was enough to really help me get ahead in my case. Then workers comp sent me to another IME doctor (2 hours away, even though there are many in my large town) and I saw him for a total of 15 minutes. I was worried, but because he was also a urologist and had doctor weiss's report as well, he agreed that the jobs prolonged sitting caused my injury.

The denial was dropped and I received my notice of approval from the judge, so I wanted to poste an update. If I could give anyone advice on what to do if you are fighting a denial and you know it's work related, is to visit dr. Weiss or another specialist with great credentials to support your case. I know from researching that many, many drivers of taxi cabs and trucks get PNE as well. It is just way under reported.

Now I will just have to see how this state insurance is going to treat this, being that there are no real specialists within the state of Oregon. I want to pursure shots and then surgery. I believe it is stuck as I feel it get tight and it just feels like it's entrapped. I have invested in schooling to start a 100K+ career in which I will need to bend and sit more than I am willing to now. I can deal with more pain, I just don't want to continue to injure it more. I also want to pursue something along the lines of Chiropratic and potentially be able to help pelvic disorders. It's one of those things that you don't know how bad it is until it happens to you.

Re: Workers Compensation covered my PNE

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 10:30 pm
by helenlegs 11
Well done. Dogged determination can work wonders sometimes :) I hope you can now go forward and find a solution to your PN.
Take care,

Re: Workers Compensation covered my PNE

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 10:44 pm
by deBBieW
Hi Bradley,
Congrats on your success. You were so smart to seek out Dr. Weiss. I'm sure your info will help others. It really gripes me when medical professionals say something is rare so you couldn't have it. It may be rare, but somebody gets it. Sadly PN probably is not as rare as they think, we know that.
Thank you for sharing.


Re: Workers Compensation covered my PNE

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 4:35 am
by oldcarguy
Bradley, I too believe my situation was caused by prolonged sitting (IT job) but I never really expected Work comp to be easy to get approved. I would be interested in any updates you could provide in your success. It's unfortunate that this is so poorly recognized in modern society when there is a requirement to sit for long hours in doing one's job.

Re: Workers Compensation covered my PNE

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 5:56 am
by Rogerstelena
Hi. I'm in Oregon. I was diagnosed with pne tho I believe it is actually cauda Equina. It's workers comp. Do you mind telling me how the state insurance treated the settlement? It's time for mediation in a month and I believe what I've been thru is Worth a lot

Re: Workers Compensation covered my PNE

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 1:53 pm
by onlysams
Glad to hear Dr. Weiss was a big help in your case. Best of luck with your recovery.