I don't think that Dr Hibner is doubting the imaging reports that Dr Potter produces, more that it is still in it's infancy.
He has actually found when operating, that some patients have exactly the pathologies described in those reports.
I think that a good, knowledgeable clinical diagnosis is THE most important influence on a diagnosis however (with a huge emphasis on knowledgeable)
Although sometimes imaging may back those clinical findings up, the actual scan on it's own can't be used singularly as a diagnostic tool . . . . . yet?? (I still believe that it will need
a man who can for some time, or woman obviously
The scan may be valuable determining
where a patient may have a PN compression/entrapment. Which is helpful 'geographically' so that any surgical procedure can to be accessible from a particular incision point.
I know that Dr Hibner has his own methods to determine if the compression is say at ss/st ligament level/Alcocks canal or dorsal for instance, therefore the scan isn't an absolute necessity.
In some cases, I would worry that this (expensive) imaging may show nothing and then a person could be back to square one (back to being disbelieved for instance)
However,I very much doubt that a negative scan would hinder any clinical evaluation from him (it may with some clinicians ~shrugs~) and of course a positive scan may help.
It does seem tho' that he see's his clinical examination along side a person's history as the most evidential criteria for an accurate diagnosis.
I doubt that I've helped you make up your mind, sorry.
Take care,