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Hip labral tears
Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 9:29 pm
by Lernica
Here is an excellent 2010 article on this subject. ... 4TOSMJ.pdf
Under "Symptomology and clinical signs", the authors state:
"The typical patient with a labral tear complains of groin pain which may radiate to the adductor region; occasionally it is referred to the lateral hip area or over the buttock. Rarely does it radiate to the knee. The pain is activity-related and becomes worse during sport activities. In general this condition prevents very active patients from doing sports. Many patients refer to a period of one or two days with increased groin pain after strenuous activities. Occasionally the symptoms worsen after prolonged periods of sitting. The onset is usually insidious, although can be acute in some patients. Other symptoms include clicking, snapping, catching or giving way."
I have been recently diagnosed with tears in both hips. I'm recovering from recent surgery in one hip and in three months will have surgery in the other.
Re: Hip labral tears
Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 3:10 am
by deBBieW
Hi Lernica,
I'm so happy to see that you are still feeling better, and now having hip surgery, and aiming for 100%. Wow you have really blazed the trail. I am curious, what do your other doctors think of your treatments with Dr. Andrews? Is the shockwave therapy controversial in Canada?
My best to you while recovering,
Re: Hip labral tears
Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 4:18 am
by Lernica
deBBieW wrote:
I'm so happy to see that you are still feeling better
Oooh, not feeling so much better these days I'm afraid. The recovery from hip surgery is S L O W and the post-op pain has re-enervated my pelvic pain. And my other (non-operated) hip is also painful with the obturator internus muscle spasming in response. And I'm on crutches for another three weeks, not allowing to weight bear on the hip. So two steps forward and one step back. But I'm confident that once the post-op pain has settled down, so will the pelvic pain. I guess the pain receptors in my pelvis are still sensitive and susceptible of refiring in the right (painful) conditions.
Unfortunately it looks like I will need arthroscopic surgery in my other hip as well. And I have also just been told that they found Grade 4 osteoarthritis in my right hip (which is the worst kind), meaning there is no more cartilage left and the hip bone is rubbing directly against the socket bone. So I am apparently a future candidate for total hip replacement. I just can't believe that my doctors are discovering all this hip pathology after telling me for so many years that the primary cause of my pelvic pain was gynaecological (hence all the pelvic surgeries, including a hysterectomy).
Sorry for the wingeing. Now onto your question about Dr. A. and the medical community. My pain doctor/neurologist, Dr. Allan Gordon, is very receptive to his treatment, as is my pelvic pain PT. They both want to meet Dr. A. and discuss his protocol since they have a lot of pelvic pain patients. My family doctor is intrigued but noncommittal. So I think that the medical community here, that is, the pelvic pain medical community, is treating ESWT with an open mind. BTW, I noticed that Amy Stein, the PT guru from NYC, has recently joined Dr. A's Facebook group. I found that very interesting. She must've heard about his treatment from other patients or PTs.
Thank you for your well wishes, Debbie, they are much appreciated. I intend to keep posting 'til I've reached my goal of 100% recovery!
Re: Hip labral tears
Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 11:50 am
by helenlegs 11
Sorry to hear that you are having a bad time post hip surgery Lernica (((hugs))) It must also be a shock to think that after all of your long term struggle for pertinent treatment and all that you have been through they find such dreadful osteoarthritis!! Unbelievable!
I also know however, that you will get through all of this with the usual Lernica determination . Whinge away whenever you feel the need
but please take good care of yourself.
Helen x
Re: Hip labral tears
Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 9:31 am
by sam
Dear Lernica, my prayers and best wishes for your recuperation, my symptoms are so identical to yours, so you are not alone. In the beginning it was just pain in the perenium but now it is spreading to the hip region as well and the one sided pain has become bilateral. I think with PN, the pain region spreads to the hip and also to the legs and feet. This is such a painful and tiresome journey for me and I am really so grateful to this site and to all of you for providing me the moral support.
Re: Hip labral tears
Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 4:29 am
by Violet M
Lernica, sorry to hear about the hip issues. Good news is that hip replacement surgery can be very successful with fairly quick recoveries. I'm trying to remember if the anterior or posterior approach is better -- be sure and do some research on that before you go ahead with a hip replacement.