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Neuro Pain Study in Central Canada

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 7:46 pm
by Skylar
A Canadian university is seeking participants for a Neuropathic Pain Study in Kingston, Ontario, located in south eastern Ontario. The advertisement below was seen in todays newspaper.

Queen's University researcher's are conducting a pain treatment study in people with nerve injury or nerve disease, NOT related to back or neck problems.
Requires 4 visits to Kingston over 18 weeks & no serious heart or kidney disease. Study drugs provided free of charge. Travel and medication costs covered.

For more information please contact:
Debbie DuMerton-Shore, RN
613-549-6666 x 3224

Re: Neuro Pain Study in Central Canada

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 2:03 am
by Lernica
Ha! Might be a good way to get your travel costs to Cornwall covered, as Kingston is only about an hour away. Worth thinking about!

Re: Neuro Pain Study in Central Canada

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 1:32 pm
by DoubleEdgedSword
Do we need our doctor's referral to get in on this study? The drive would be difficult for me (as would finding the time) but it might be worth the sacrifices..

Might have to give them a call and see..

Thanks for posting and sharing this. :)

Re: Neuro Pain Study in Central Canada

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 9:15 pm
by Skylar
Here are a few more details about this study. A doctor's referral is not required however a copy of the patient's medical records concerning the nerve injury/disease would need to be provided. The study medications are nortriptyline and morphine. There are three levels the first is the nortriptyline by itself, the next morphine by itself and thirdly using both together. Each level is titrated according to the participants individual tolerance. There is no dosage requirement that has to be reached. The trial period is 6 weeks at each of the three levels for a total of 18 weeks and is based out of the Kingston Hospital.

Debbie is very friendly and helpful if you wish to enquire further.