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Castor Oil

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 10:22 pm
by skyblue

I've been trying Castor Oil recently, particularly for the purposes of relaxing my buttock and pelvic muscles. It seems to work really well. I'm slowly coming round to the idea that "maybe" the muscles are the problem, and the pudendal nerve is really just trying to cope with the muscles as they basically strangle it...

Castor Oil is apparently a very good muscles relaxant, and moreover is extremely absorbent.

Anyone else tried this with any success?

Re: Castor Oil

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 1:34 am
by Dave
Interesting.   Never heard that before.  Where did you learn that castor oil is a muscle relaxant?  Is there a link you can give us so we can read about it?

Do you use it orally or topically? If topically, where exactly do you apply it? If orally, do you find its laxative effect beneficial?

Re: Castor Oil

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 8:18 pm
by skyblue
Hi Dave,

I don't have any specific links but I'd imagine just doing a Google search for "castor oil muscle relaxant" should fire up some results.

Castor Oil is a pretty infamous laxative used since the olden times.....and taken orally can, literally, flush out everything. Personally I don't and wouldn't use it as a laxative though, and in any case I don't really need to do that.

It is however, also an amazing anti-inflammatory massage oil, and for my purposes I apply it topically after a hot shower to the buttock, rectum and upper thigh, and gently massage it in to the whole pelvic area, particularly around the piriformis muscle.

Castor Oil works best when gently heated, but I don't bother with heat packs. Here's a handy trick: Get a convection heater from any department store. They're really very cheap. I'm talking about the ones with the ventilation grill at the top, like this:- ... fAodRzDUiw

Then having showered (and of course fully dried yourself), and after having applied the castor oil, simply stand above the convection heater (naked) with your legs either side of it, and gently massage the buttocks and thighs and any other appropriate areas. It's quite amazing. It's WAY better than heat packs because there is so much more heat over such a wider area. It's literally like bathing in nice warm heat...and with the castor oil thrown in too.....well the muscles and nerves simply love it.

Of course you might look a bit silly standing over a heater massaging yourself - just don't do it when there's other people about! And obviously be careful with an electric heater - make sure you're dry before you stand over it as you don't want drops of water falling in and touching the heating element!! :geek:

Re: Castor Oil

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 12:59 am
by healinfeelin
Hi there

Is it just any old caster oil. Can you put it on the privates?

: )

Re: Castor Oil

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 4:33 am
by JODDY47
I'm going try this and see if it helps. Thanks skyblue.

Re: Castor Oil

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 9:58 pm
by Buttercup28

How do you apply the castor oil? Do you just massage it on like lotion and leave it or do you need to sit on a heating pack after applying it? I know that all of the uses of castor oil for pain have been normally used as a "castor oil pack". So curious to know your steps for application?

Thanks in advance!

Re: Castor Oil

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 1:07 pm
by Amy01
Great to know its working for you, is that a specific brand or version you are pointing out...