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Experience with Dr. Mann

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:30 pm
by HerMajesty
I saw Dr. Mann for the PNMLT in early 2012 and just want to post briefly on the experience because I see there are no postings on him.

I had surgery March 2012, and prior to that I needed the PNMLT to objectively prove PN for my insurance battle. That is all I wanted - a piece of paper with the results of the PNMLT. I live in Southern Nevada and there are a couple of closer providers of the PNMLT in Southern California; but one did not take insurance, the other would not accept my Neurologist's order for the test and wanted to put me on a waiting list to become his patient. Dr. Hibner's practice is closer to me too; but when I called there, I was told that they don't offer the test because Dr. Hibner does not consider it a reliable diagnostic tool (??) - That's what I was told on the phone anyway.

Dr. Mann is the perfect guy if you just want the PNMLT, period. He is in a pain clinic and is not a PN specialist (although for Sacramento locals, I am sure his pain clinic is as good as any for the basics). His staff explained to me that he offers the PNMLT so that people who suspect pudendal problems can fit in another piece of the puzzle. He is fine with administering the test with an outside referral, no prior visit needed. You go in, get the test, he types in the report right there and you leave with a copy of it. He and his staff are very personable.

Dr. Mann was exactly who I needed to just get the test done quickly without a lot of hassle. His office gave me the codes over the phone so that I could make an inquiry with my insurance company; and the test turned out to be fully covered with no prior authorization needed, because it's billed like any other neuroconductive study. For the uninsured, it's $500 cash. They tend to have appointments available for booking within a week or two, no waiting list.

If you are having problems accessing the PNMLT without jumping through a lot of hoops, Dr. Mann is ideal.

Re: Experience with Dr. Mann

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 5:23 am
by ezer
I also saw Dr.Mann for the PNMLT. I completely agree. He is trained to administer the PNMLT and he freely admits to not know much about pelvic pain. At the time he told me that he was simply referring his pelvic pain patients to Dr.Jerry Weiss in San Francisco.

Re: Experience with Dr. Mann

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 11:33 pm
by velmartd
Hi Hermajesty,

My next step on my PN/PNE journey, will be to do the PN testing with Dr. Mann, who lives in Sacramento, CA

I would like to ask you, how long the test was, and was it very difficult, like you needed to laydown afterwards ?

I've tried calling his office, but the phone is constantly busy ?

Thanks for your knowledge and Information - Velma

Re: Experience with Dr. Mann

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 2:20 pm
by HerMajesty
The test was very brief. Maybe 10 minutes set up and less than 5 minutes testing time. the electrical zaps were just a second or two each. I had no ill effects and walked right out of there without having to lie down, but that might not be typical. I can see how if somebody has pudendal nerve pathology, maybe this can cause a flare or be excessively painful. I had no direct pudendal pathology: I had PN due to poor transmission of nerve impulses to the pudendal, secondary to S2 nerve root pathology. So I have been able to tolerate many things that other pudendal patients have difficulty with - such as no pain with transvaginal palpation of the pudendal nerve. My suggestion is that when you get through to Dr. Mann's office, you ask whether any patients have acute pain after the test and need to lie down, or call back complaining of flares or other side effects after the test. He knows what the general patient experience is, whereas I only know my own experience.

Re: Experience with Dr. Mann

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 4:45 pm
by velmartd
Thanks HerMajesty for your input, I will try calling again today, to see when I can get an appointment.
I really appreciate all your experience with these difficult issues.

Thanks Velma

Re: Experience with Dr. Mann

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 11:47 am
by David123
Good to see that everybody is sharing their review and it will really help others.