Charlie123 wrote:Sorry im not up to speed - what is your funding request for - is it surgery abroad
There will be many people here donning their coats and heading quickly for the exit now!! Sorry if you have heard this contorted tale before people.
No Charlie, it was the 'normal' funding request, just for me to be referred to Dr G in Bristol, but what a fiasco!
I have a rather negative and unhelpful GP, so while she was off for few months I saw a 'window of opportunity' and managed to get a private appointment with Dr G through an extremely helpful locum Dr. My GP'd had nothing constructive to offer except, 'pilates classes'
I tried, they made things worse!
I wasn't getting anywhere with the NHS at this stage. Any treatment, which I always had to request, was having no effect unfortunately, so paying seemed to be a good idea, especially as there was a 6 months wait to see Dr Greenslade on the NHS.
2 weeks and £200 later, Dr G diagnosed PN and PS, so the whole thing was very worth while.
He sent the report to my GP (she was back by then) asking for an NHS referral, as the equipment at Frenchay's NHS hospital was needed for the targeted injections he recommended for me.
My GP said she didn't hold out much hope for a positive result. Sure enough the referral was refused, as the NHS, 'do not fund on going private medical treatment'. . . . . I was sure that 1 consultation wasn't
ongoing medical treatment, but I followed their instructions to try and get this decision overturned, and asked my GP for help.
She point blank refused!! Stating that she had followed the correct procedure and there was nothing more she could do.
I had to take the matter up with the PCT, she would not.
I did try, but was told that only the GP could appeal the decision. I then spent ALL DAY phoning backwards and forwards between the PCT and the surgery. Never being able to speak directly to my GP, the poor receptionist had to be the go between.
Eventually I did speak to 'The Man' who makes the funding decissions. His advice was that I ask for 'EXCEPTIONAL ' to be included in the application. This would swing it every time apparently.
Thankfully, my GP was then on holiday so another, almost equally begrudging
GP HAD to write on my behalf. Oh so sorry for asking (very nicely btw) to do your job.
2 days later Dr Greenslade's secretary rang to say I was booked in for my first treatment. RESULT
'The Man' had been right!
I had 4 treatments and a followup phone consult over the next year. Dr G then recommended decompression surgery and endeavored to find someone to help with that. AT LAST
All to no avail. It was discovered that I had NEVER been granted the referral in the first place!! My NHS appointments had only happened because of an oversight at Bristol (I presume anyway)
Of course everything ground to a halt, and there it has stayed. The PCT keep refusing my funding request as they think I have been getting ALL of this treatment privately (as if I could afford it!) My GP has remained stubborn and unyielding. Until I made an official complaint
Over 1 year later GP war still rages . She should have been ditched, I know, but I still have no clue why two reasonable people (do I presume too much?) can come to a sensible conclusion, and ANYWAY if this problem is
so difficult where on earth do I start and explain this to someone else?
Is it the system that is flawed? or just my luck?
I have to say that I am the only person who has had these difficulties, that I am aware of. But now that they have stopped decompression surgery in Bristol the whole debacle is mute. That is probably my fault too, as who on earth has payed for all of my treatment so far
I still haven't got a clue what is going on and what, if anything, is going to happen. It's a shambles.