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Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:30 pm
by hgebauer

Re: intermittent pain

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:26 am
by Len
My pain started exactly the same way in April 2011. About every 10 days or so I would get very low tailbone & rectum pain/pressure, with the feeling of a foreign object inside. This would last 3 to 4 days. I did have 2 week-long periods of really horrific pain, but besides that it was mostly just a dull and annoying ache.

I went to my gyne who said all was okay, also went to the 'woman's emergency clinic' & was also told all is okay. And in May the bladder discomfort was sooooo severe my family doctor even sent me to the ER. Again seen by a gyne + had kidney CT. All....OK.

Then in November 2011 the pain came but this time never went away.....and now I am in the most unfathomable mess ever.

So PLEASE do all you can and insist all you can to have your pelvic area checked and checked and checked again! Go to a PT asap. I keep thinking if someone would have mentioned something to me back then when the intermittent pain began, there's a good chance I would not be where I am today...with perhaps a ruined life.

Really RUN, don't walk, to the best pelvic floor PT you can find!

Good luck - keep me updated!

Re: intermittent pain

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:32 am
by Len
PS. You mention pain on the mons pubis area.My pain on the mons pubis now is like someone taking a huge hammer and just banging it over and over and over again. At times I also have the feeling of 'hot coals' there, as the area is being pinched and twisted. Just sharing this with you to express how imperative it is to get it checked out now! (Not meant to scare you :-)

Re: intermittent pain

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 1:03 am
by Violet M
Originally my pain was intermittent too. There is no way to predict whether yours will escalate or not because we are all different. I know there are some people who have annoying intermittent pain that never escalates to the point of feeling like they need to seek treatment. Since you don't know when it might escalate I agree with Len that it could be very helpful to see a PT -- just make sure it's someone who is trained in treating people with pudendal neuralgia because I went to someone who was not and the recommended stretches just pushed me over the edge into worse PNE. Certain stretching and strengthening exercises are not recommended for people with PNE.
