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Hypograstric nerve block
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 5:10 pm
by missyrg
I am scheduled for this block on Tuesday but I worried it will not work. It used on patients with cancer of the pelvic. I have been suffering for 2 going on three years of pelvic pain and burning in my right buttocks. I have not been diagnosed with PNE becuase the dr where I live do not treat it but gyno said from exam that is where the pain is coming from. Has anyone had this block before?
Re: Hypograstric nerve block
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 6:41 pm
by HerMajesty
I have not had the block, but my boss had a neurectomy of one of the nerves running through the inguinal canal, which permanently eliminated severe pelvic pain. These nerves enervate many of the same areas as the pudendal, so it is an excellent idea to rule this out before chasing pudendal care. the pudendal cannot be cut (neurectomy), as it would cause loss of bladder and bowel control. So, if the hypogastric or another inguinal nerve is the source, you are truly blessed to have an easier answer to your pelvic pain. A nerve block is diagnostic in that an anesthetic is placed with the steroid, so if your pain is totally gone for a couple of hours, the hypogastric is probably indeed the source of your pain. However, after this the steroid and injection can cause a flare, and when the steroid kicks in, which can take several days, it may or may not solve your pain problem. However, the block will give you very valuable info as to whether your pain is hypogastric vs. pudendal; I think the care you are getting is appropriate. If you have no luck with the inguinal nerves, this is when to pursue diagnostics for pudendal neuralgia instead.
Re: Hypograstric nerve block
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 8:17 pm
by Emily B
Hi, missyrg~
I had this block done. I had it done for lower abdominal/pelvic pain which also is tied into my PN pain. I didn't get any significant relief, but I also didn't get any worse either. For myself, it was definitely worth a try for diagnostic reasons, as well as hoping to get symptom relief. I'm sure you'll do okay and I hope you get some relief from your pain.
Emily B.
Re: Hypograstric nerve block
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 8:57 pm
by KC17
Where is most of your pain located? I was advised to have one of these by my doctor, but after researching I couldn't find that it innervated the buttocks region, so it didn't seem plausible.
Re: Hypograstric nerve block
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 9:44 pm
by missyrg
You mean if the shot hit the right area of the cause of the pain, I will not need pain meds anymore?
Re: Hypograstric nerve block
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 2:55 am
by HerMajesty
missyrg wrote:You mean if the shot hit the right area of the cause of the pain, I will not need pain meds anymore?
Not at all. many of us with pudendal neuropathy have had pudendal nerve blocks with little or no permanent relief, or some even with exacerbation of symptoms. What it would mean is, the steroid MIGHT calm down your symptoms if they are hypogastric; but the anesthetic, which only lasts an hour or 2, WILL stop your symptoms for that brief period if your symptoms are hypogastric. So, you will know which nerve is causing the problem, and can take the next steps in treating in properly. Nerve blocks are diagnostic for most people but cure very few. But diagnosis is the 1st step in seeking an appropriate cure.
Re: Hypograstric nerve block
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 5:30 pm
by missyrg
HerMajasty that makes sense to me now. I hate getting blocks becuase I feel worse afterwards. I decided today that if I do not get better than I seriouslly need to learn how to live with it. Thanks, I will let you know how it goes Tuesday.
Re: Hypograstric nerve block
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 9:50 pm
by HerMajesty
missyrg wrote:I decided today that if I do not get better than I seriouslly need to learn how to live with it. Thanks, I will let you know how it goes Tuesday.
I know it is difficult to have to deal with diagnostics and treatment; I put my care off for a very long time because I had such bad past experiences with Doctors. Unfortunately, we are not all the same but for me anyhow, while I was not actively seeking care I was insiduously getting worse, and limiting my activities more and more to accomodate for it. I got neuropathy in more areas and of greater intensity the longer I waited. Then finally I started with neurogenic bladder which entirely disabled me. That is when I had to make it my full time job to get care. So deciding you do not want to deal and will just live with it can be very dangerous: Whatever is the underlying cause of the problem can break you down more in the future. Not saying it is that way for everybody but you should consider this when you think about "learning how to live with it".
Re: Hypograstric nerve block
Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:24 am
by missyrg
You make a good point. I mean I will continue to work and attend events with my family. I have been closed off from people becuase of pain. I will contniue pain treatment. I am just exhuasted from seeing so many drs. I have been praying and it gives me hope. If things are not better by next year I will pursue getting tested in Houston.
Re: Hypograstric nerve block
Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:39 am
by HerMajesty
Yes I do totally agree, this philosophy has helped me so much in my life especially since the worst pain of longest duration I was ever in, was during my teen years: You have to get out anyhow.
You can be in pain sitting home staring at the wall or you can be in pain out living your life. Either way the pain is there.
But since I DID force myself to go out, I have many positive memories from the years I was in my worst pain. Now I remember the things I saw and did back then, but I cannot remember the pain. I even met my husband during that time.
I have lived with chronic illness for 25 years now, AND had a good quality of life, so I feel confident in telling you: You have just the perfect attitude to make it through this. To do things even when they are hard, and to lean on God in prayer as a means to find the strength, this does work.
I'll pray for you too.