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Post nerve block pain

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 5:01 pm
by Lex1
:cry: Hi everyone

Just wondering if anyone knows typically how long after having PN block a steroid flare generally occurs?

Had Ultrasound guided block with nerve stimulation 2weeks ago by Dr Greenslade, CT guided x 2 planned
at 6 and 12 weeks. Immediate complete relief for about 7 hrs, 3 days later partial relief pain with improved mobility.
Now stuck in bed miserable again severe pain on standing, back to sq one.

Help! Feeling very low+++ does it sound like a steroid flare?
Will it settle?

Thanks. Lex :cry:

Re: Post nerve block pain

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 9:46 am
by Hetty
Hi Lex
Im also with Dr G. After my 2nd block I too had crazy pain on standing, you have my sympathy.
I could only stand for a few minutes a day. In Dec I was spending 30-40mins per 24hrs a day upright.
Got a 3rd block in Jan, and by end of Feb was able stand for several hours a day. Now I can spend at least half of my day upright : )
So hang in there I know it is scary and it's tough. I was terrified when suddenly I had standing pain after the 2nd block.
All I can tell you is that I am recovering nicely, it took the 3rd block to get it going in the right direction.
Be sure to tell Dr G about your standing pain.

Best wishes

Re: Post nerve block pain

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 4:09 pm
by Bathsheba
Lex-I had 2 CT guided nerve blocks with steroids. The first time, I think I got a flare. At least, the pain was worse, but then I reverted to my usual constant pain. The second time, something happened as my whole crotch was dead and I became incontinent. That time I experienced no flare at all. I also didn't experience any relief.

The cause of my PN is very clear: trauma. One of the symptoms of PN according to what I've been told is that the pain goes away when you stand up. That's my experience too, though now it just lessens tremendously rather than disappear. I wonder why your pain would get worse on standing.

Keep us posted on your progress re your later scheduled nerve blocks. Hope they work for you and that you are cured.