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I'm back - things have changed (a little)

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 10:56 am
by DannyB
It's a while since my last post. I've just been trying to get on with life as best I can. However over the last few weeks I have noticed a change and I wondered if this was common/usual.

When I was last here my problem was predominantly my lower back (centre). Sitting for any period of time was really uncomfortable. That has improved (a little) - I still get it but not as often and not as severe.

However in it's place I seem to have a different problem. Once again it is caused by sitting. Now I get a discomfort in my buttocks - both butt cheeks. At first I thought it was some kind of pressure sore from sitting too long. But there is no sign of anything externally and I'm now beginning to wonder if this is something to do with nerve damage/entrapment. Standing eases it immediately - and sitting on a loo seat does not cause the discomfort.

Could this be associated with PNE? Could it in fact be the same problem - just manifested in a different way?

When I was last here I wasn't sure if my problems were as a result of PNE - I'm still not.

Does this (change) ring any bells with anyone?

Re: I'm back - things have changed (a little)

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:39 pm
by Lernica
Your buttock muscles are seizing up as a result of some internal pain you are experiencing. Try to loosen the muscles up by stretching, massaging (a tennis ball against a wall is great) or taking a hot bath or shower. Also, consciously try to relax them.

Re: I'm back - things have changed (a little)

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:25 pm
by DannyB
Normally I would agree with you - but if anything I would say my buttock muscles feel like they are wasting. In fact I had wondered if that might be what was causing the pain - ie lack of padding.

Re: I'm back - things have changed (a little)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:17 am
by birdlife
Danny, if you have some compression or even atrophy of your gluteal muscles, then that would eventually cause you pain on sitting. I know because I have pain from this as well as PN pain. Obviously continuous sitting compresses everything, reducing oxygen and blood supply to your buttock muscles, so you can also have this type of sit pain without having either PN or PNE. Lernica is right, first get a tennisball and massage the gluteal muscles. If when firmly rolling that ball you find points of pain in those muscles, then you have triggerpoints in them and a couple of rolls of a tennisball is just the start of learning to erase these TP's yourself, before they get too numerous. I can highly recommend the Triggerpoint Therapy Workbook by Clair Davies. Or have a few sessions done by a sports physio, etc. Once triggerpoints are dealt with, then you can start stretches and an exercise regime to get those muscles working efficiently.