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Medication for burning pain

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:17 pm
by PaulSa
For anybody experiencing burning in the pelvic region and legs, what medication do you find works best? I'm currently taking 2100mg of Gabapentin but find that it does not control my burning (and occasional pain) just wondering what others are finding works best for them? I was prescribed some Oxycodone (which works) but I only use that for flare ups and don't want to make a habit of using it too frequently.

Re: Medication for burning pain

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 10:54 pm
by Lernica
Have you tried a compounded ointment, 5% lidocaine and 6% gabapentin? Dr. Gordon prescribed it to me and it worked well. The pharmacy at Mt Sinai hospital compounds it, other pharmacies don't.

Re: Medication for burning pain

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 3:44 pm
by Anne
Did you try antidepressiva?

Re: Medication for burning pain

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 6:30 am
by sam
Have you tried lyrica (pregabalin)? It works so good for me, I am able to wake up without burning in the butt or perenium, I use it especially in the night to sleep, atleast my quality of sleep is better than before. My doctor told me you can go up to 300mg per day. Please start with 75 mg for a week and then slowly increase the dosage.

Re: Medication for burning pain

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 4:34 pm
by PaulSa
Anne wrote:Did you try antidepressiva?
This looks to be a German product, not sure what the equivalent would be here?

Re: Medication for burning pain

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 4:38 pm
by PaulSa
sam wrote:Have you tried lyrica (pregabalin)? It works so good for me, I am able to wake up without burning in the butt or perenium, I use it especially in the night to sleep, atleast my quality of sleep is better than before. My doctor told me you can go up to 300mg per day. Please start with 75 mg for a week and then slowly increase the dosage.
I was thinking of making the change but wonder how hard it would be or if there would be any side effects? Anyone make the switch from Gabapentin to Lyrica?

Re: Medication for burning pain

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 6:07 pm
by Dave
Lyrica is stronger than gabapentin, but gabapentin is effective too. A switch can be done, but it would be done slowly. Many also find effective an SNRI (e.g., Cymbalta, Savella) or tricyclic antidepressant (e.g., Amitriptilin).