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How Massage Helps Control Pain
Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:15 am
by nyt
Thought individuals might find this article in NY Times interesting on massage. ... e-muscles/
Maybe with more studies like this insurance companies will be willing to pay for individuals to see massage therapists.
Re: How Massage Helps Control Pain
Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 10:10 pm
by Laura
Thanks Nyt for posting this article. We pn'ers know massage helps our tight muscles but I did not know anti-inflammatories actually in the long run works against us. Another bit of information in this pn puzzle.
Re: How Massage Helps Control Pain
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:37 am
by blightcp
my PT is primaraly massage, groinmassage is covered for incontinance, im suer they have a special name for it.
Basicaly it is the same as the CA PT does, a groin deep tissue massage getting the muscles to relax and trying to strech the tendons. If i go more than a week i can feel it all tigheting up.
They also do some internal work, the mucles are finaly relaxing after months of work.
Also incontinace is one of the few things that falls under mantinace with PT, that means that its possible to go long periods, 9 months straight in my case with out the insurace complaining.
As most PN people have some urinary or bowel issues its still a legitimate reason for treatment.
Finally, I get an hour with the PT to discuss things so its almost anti-stress therapy just to be able to discuss things with somone who understands the issues we all have.
You may want to look into it and see if you can get the diagnosis code added for billing reasons. I might help with insurace.