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Pudendal nerve flare
Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:46 am
by paulette
I have probably brought this up before, but I don't remember the responses. I am unable to lean forward, even to a small degree without causing a flare of the pudendal nerve. Today I simply wanted to reach a Valentine card that was a little low. I even stuck my leg out behind me to avoid pressure on the nerve, but tonight I am back on the sofa. It is so discouraging, because I had increased my walking time and actually had no PN pain, only that rotten piriformis pain. Is it possible the piriformis is compressing the nerve, or is this just normal for PN?
Re: Pudendal nerve flare
Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 1:44 pm
by Karyn
Hi Paulette,
Could you please explain why you think leaning/bending is causing a PN flare? What hurts specifically?
Much love,
Re: Pudendal nerve flare
Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:15 pm
by paulette
I develop pain on the inner aspect of the ishial tuberosity, which is where I always had the most pain before surgery. Then my rt. buttock swells up, and it is painful to sit. It is also painful to sit. I also experience a tightness and a pulling that starts at the coccyx. I don't know if that is from the ST ligament or the pirifromis muscle. Gee, i guess that is about it. Does that tell you anything?
Re: Pudendal nerve flare
Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:36 pm
by Karyn
paulette wrote:Does that tell you anything?
Sigh ... not really. But what you're describing doesn't quite sound like the PN. You really do need a good evaluation, Hon. I've come to learn there are LOTS of reasons for sitting pain that have nothing what so ever to do with PN.
Re: Pudendal nerve flare
Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:47 pm
by paulette
Yep, you are right. It all goes back to the fact that the pelvis is extremely complicated. But thanks for trying!
Re: Pudendal nerve flare
Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 10:28 pm
by birdlife
Paulette, my pn pain is worse when I bend too. I can personally confirm that a less tight piriformis means less irritation when I bend and more sitting time before I have to stand up. I work on the piriformis with TP massage, which helps me quite a bit. I have a great deal of muscular tightness in most lumbar and pelvic muscles, so that sitting doesnt just mean PN pain, it means all over buttock pain/burning and discomfort. Never had a swollen buttock though . I'm following up the possibility I have SIJD, pulling the lumbar muscles out of alignment. Its another facet you might want to rule out for yourself. Meanwile, if it flares when you bend, please don't!
Take care.