Has anyone tried anti-spasmodics for PN?
I have been investigated for 5-6 years to identify this pain in Cumbria, UK. I have seen a gynaecologist who did a vulval biopsy, a bowel specialist who did a sigmoidoscopy, a skin specialist, a urologist, who did a cystoscopy. During this time the gynae and bowel doctors denied that there was a nerve where I said the pain went but studied anatomy books and decided I was right and it was the pudendal nerve. I noticed that after I was screaming with pain, I often passed wind, so I tried taking anti-spasmodics which had been prescribed for irritable bowel but which I no longer took. I found these helped. So the doctors decided I had solved my own problem and prescribed them for me. They help a lot but don't eliminate the pain.
I now take Colofac MR capsules - (Mebverine), long acting - 4 a day - which is double the normal dose but a dose commonly used in hospitals. I also topped up with Dicycloverine (Merbentyl)during bad episodes but this has been discontinued in UK and there is nothing as effective. I have been prescribed Alverine (Spasmonal) as a replacement but it is far less effective.
I don't know whether the spasm is in the bowel and setting off the nerve pain or is on the pelvic floor, a spasm caused by the nerve, or both. Certainly, the aching pain which the spasms cause is not there unless I have a bad patch. I was interested to see that muscle spasm was listed on this website. I am so grateful to find this website and identify what I have. I have Lyme Disease and Sjorgren's syndrome (auto-immune) and have been sitting a lot for many years due to fatigue. It all adds up.
I would be interested to know if anyone else has tried anti-spasmodics. It's worth a try...
Dorothy, UK
Lyme Disease since 1985, ME since 1994, Sjogren's Syndrome, Nerve pain for 8 years just diagnosed in 2012. Cystitis, partly caused by PN. PN helped with Colofac MR - four a day, plus Dicyloverine as needed, plus just starting Lyrica-PreGabalin, May 2012. I've seen my GP and consultants at Furness General - Gynae, Colon for sigmoidoscopy, Urology, who has prescribed the Lyrica and recognises PN. Gynae offered a referral to Dr De Mello in Manchester but I refused. I'll see how Lyrica goes for now.
Re: Anti-Spasmodics
i have taken many anti spasmodics over the years....none helped with my PN pain; recently in the past few weeks I have had other issued which have resulted in my taking anti spasmodics and they helped with bowel and muscular issues but didnt touch my PN pain.
i have taken many anti spasmodics over the years....none helped with my PN pain; recently in the past few weeks I have had other issued which have resulted in my taking anti spasmodics and they helped with bowel and muscular issues but didnt touch my PN pain.
PNE started 2003 following Vaginal Hysterectomy, pelvic floor repair and right oophorectomy; eventually after many tests had BilateralTG surgery Nantes 2004; following this tried many other treatments including 7 day epidural, ketamin infusions to no avail; Trialed and was implanted with a Neurostimulator in 2007- Dr Van Buyten Belgium, this has enabled me to manage my pain much better.