Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 9:29 pm
Hi Everyone! I am new to this site but unfortunatly not new to the symptoms on PN/PNE. I honeslty am not sure if I am even in the right place but thought I would share my story to get all of your thoughts and ideas and maybe lead me in a direction to get a diagnosis.
It all started in May 2011. I had been working out a lot, doing Power 90x and playing kickball; excercises I had been doing for over a year. I began with symptoms of severe hyper arousal. This lasted a few weeks and then the symptoms turned to extreme burning pain or sometimes extreme coldness that would be in and around the vagina, in between my thighs, or in my sacrum/tailbone area. The location of pain changed from day to day but the intensity remained the same. This lasted about 1.5-2 months and the pain went away (thank god!!!!) and was replaced with tingling and buzzing in the same areas. The pain has not returned at all but I am left with this annoying tingling which sometimes can extend down to my feet. I have tingling pretty much all of the time. The intensity is less when standing but I can feel it when I lay down and sit. The only time I can not feel it at all is when walking. Sometimes I feel like the tingling is improving and I get so excited only to have it come back the next day very intense. I tend to do better on the weekends
Since May, I have had an MRI of my spine which showed a small, 9mm Tarlov Cyst in S2 (now I doubt this has anything to do with my symptoms because why would they improve if a cyst was pushing on the nerve....this is just a guess). I had an MRI of Brain which was normal. I had a Potter MRI which was normal. I saw Dr. Marvel in Baltimore who said I did not have PNE because I did not have pain when he pushed along the course of the nerve.
I have no idea what is wrong and although I am soooooo thankful I am not in that pain anymore, the tingling that remains indicates to me that something is still not right. My urogyn said it sounds like I am getting better and it could take 18months for the nerve to heal. I am just getting inpatient. I want answers (like all of you)! Thankfully, I have a very supportive family. I just got married in November 2010 and these symptoms came on a few months after that. It was/is a true test in our relationship but my husband has been wonderful. I also just found out I am pregnant! And although I am thrilled there is a part of me that is PETRIFIED that the pain will return. I think I have cried in my OBs office every visit. We talked about a C-section and I think that is the route we will take.
Thank you for listening
It all started in May 2011. I had been working out a lot, doing Power 90x and playing kickball; excercises I had been doing for over a year. I began with symptoms of severe hyper arousal. This lasted a few weeks and then the symptoms turned to extreme burning pain or sometimes extreme coldness that would be in and around the vagina, in between my thighs, or in my sacrum/tailbone area. The location of pain changed from day to day but the intensity remained the same. This lasted about 1.5-2 months and the pain went away (thank god!!!!) and was replaced with tingling and buzzing in the same areas. The pain has not returned at all but I am left with this annoying tingling which sometimes can extend down to my feet. I have tingling pretty much all of the time. The intensity is less when standing but I can feel it when I lay down and sit. The only time I can not feel it at all is when walking. Sometimes I feel like the tingling is improving and I get so excited only to have it come back the next day very intense. I tend to do better on the weekends
Since May, I have had an MRI of my spine which showed a small, 9mm Tarlov Cyst in S2 (now I doubt this has anything to do with my symptoms because why would they improve if a cyst was pushing on the nerve....this is just a guess). I had an MRI of Brain which was normal. I had a Potter MRI which was normal. I saw Dr. Marvel in Baltimore who said I did not have PNE because I did not have pain when he pushed along the course of the nerve.
I have no idea what is wrong and although I am soooooo thankful I am not in that pain anymore, the tingling that remains indicates to me that something is still not right. My urogyn said it sounds like I am getting better and it could take 18months for the nerve to heal. I am just getting inpatient. I want answers (like all of you)! Thankfully, I have a very supportive family. I just got married in November 2010 and these symptoms came on a few months after that. It was/is a true test in our relationship but my husband has been wonderful. I also just found out I am pregnant! And although I am thrilled there is a part of me that is PETRIFIED that the pain will return. I think I have cried in my OBs office every visit. We talked about a C-section and I think that is the route we will take.
Thank you for listening