Longest flare up ?
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:56 pm
What is your longest flare up after nerve block? And how many of you got permanent worsening after nerve block?
I got 2 months ago my 2.block. I got worse to my left labial, groin and inner thight. Not to backside of the nerve where I have also pain. It is different and stronger pain than my normal pain. Now my biggest worry is that this block made me bad until end of my life . Then I cant go even to the surgery because surgery can release the entrapment but not the hitmark of injektion. I didnt know that I still feel that new pain from injektion, but when I quit triptyl I realized that oh shit there it is still. I am more depressed than before.
Sanna Pisama
I got 2 months ago my 2.block. I got worse to my left labial, groin and inner thight. Not to backside of the nerve where I have also pain. It is different and stronger pain than my normal pain. Now my biggest worry is that this block made me bad until end of my life . Then I cant go even to the surgery because surgery can release the entrapment but not the hitmark of injektion. I didnt know that I still feel that new pain from injektion, but when I quit triptyl I realized that oh shit there it is still. I am more depressed than before.
Sanna Pisama