The book we should all have

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The book we should all have

Post by kat »

Living with Pudendal Neuralgia by Vanessa Frank

This is the book each one of us should have been handed the first day we heard the words pudendal neuralgia.
It explains everything we are all going through. It is helping me understand my body and how to explain it better to doctors and family.
I highly recommend it!

Born with pudendal and obtorator neuralgia. 32 years of being misdiagnosed.
Surgery with Conway 7/14/10. Internal burning cured!
Currently in PT for many pelvic floor issues due to having PN for so long.
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Quilter 2
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Re: The book we should all have

Post by Quilter 2 »

ABSOLUTELY!!! I bought it as soon as it was released, last Dec. When I saw Dr. Quesada last Sept, he was telling me about the book and I said, I HAVE IT! He feels it's very helpful and I do too. It especially helped me with understanding what the hell I'm taking for drugs. Since I never "did" them, I'm afraid of taking to much. Therefore, I sometimes end up with more pain than I need to be in.
Keep up the good posting.
My best;
Five pudendal nerve infiltrations with good results.
Sixth Injection left me with more burning, more pain, pain in buttocks.
Botox shot didn't notice any difference
Physical Therapy - Aquatic and Myofascial
External and Internal Manual Therapy on the obturator muscle.
3T MRI with Dr. Potter
2nd opinion with Dr. Hibner in Phoenix
Loretta Robertson PT Phoenix
Decompression surgery Nov. 1, 2011
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