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Hi I'm New

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 7:47 pm
by Belle67
I'm new to forums and such like so I hope i'm doing this right.
I was told about this site by a very kind lady in America, I suffer from PGAD and at the moment I am finding it really hard. At first after reading the symptoms of P.N i thought that it wasn't a part of what I have but after spending today trying to get my medical history down on paper and remembering a lot more than previously, I think maybe it is. :(

I am off to London tomorrow to see a Dr Goldmieir who has written papers on PGAD, I have decided to go private because the waiting list is 16 weeks long and at the moment that seems like a life time ( well thats what credit cards are for ;) ) I have to get the train and I know its not going to be pleasant especially as i've had a bad day today.

I just want to say thank you in advance to anyone who has already posted, finding this site along withe the pgad support group has kept me going over the past week since i found them.


Re: Hi I'm New

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:33 pm
by Hetty
Hi Belle
I am new here too and it is a great website.
Hope your visit to London is a success and the journey is not too painful.

Re: Hi I'm New

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:44 pm
by Belle67
Hi Hetty and Thankyou

My trip to London went ok, except for I passed out on the train on the way there. Mornings are always bad for me and such an early start didn't help but the train staff were amazing.
Dr Goldmier explained a lot and too be honest it was such a relief to talk to a doctor who understood what i was saying and didn't just dismiss what I have been feeling.
He has diagnosed PGAD and feels I may have P.N as well so I will be having an MRi as soon as it can be arranged on the NHS. He has also started me on Vanafalaxine and told me about Mindfulness which i am downloading as i type and I will be listening too later. He also talked about seeing a pelvic physio at some point.
So although the journey was stressful and I am now suffering, I feel it was worth it.

Thankyou again

Re: Hi I'm New

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 9:55 pm
by JeanieC
Hi Belle,

Welcome to the forum, but sorry for your reason to be here. You have found an excellent resource a for information and supportive people. I am interested in mindfulness too, and went to a lecture on it last week (sitting in my zero gravity chair) Could you tell me what you are downloading?

Best wishes,


Re: Hi I'm New

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 4:17 am
by deBBieW
Hi Belle,
I hope your "flare" goes away quickly, I so know what you mean about talking to anyone, doctor or otherwise, that understands! When I first met my physical therapist, a pelvic floor therapist, I just wanted to kiss her! she got a hug instead.
I have only been on this site about a month, but I cannot tell you how much I have learned, and I see very caring people here, so welcome!


Re: Hi I'm New

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 12:07 pm
by Hetty
Hi Belle
Good to know you've found someone who understands and is listening :)
I've not hear of "mindfulness" is it some form of relaxation ?
Would love to know more ! Am going to a hypnotist this week to see how that can be used as part of pain management.
Take care of yourself
Hetty x

Re: Hi I'm New

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:39 pm
by Belle67
Hi Everyone

Mindfulness is a type of meditation and I downloaded Mindfulness for beginners from iTunes it was around £7.00, but it is available through Amazon at around the same price.
I started last night and found it relatively easy and will do some more later today.
I also started the Venafalaxine last night 75mg but woke up feeling so sick in the middle of the night and very wobbly this morning...does anyone know if this is normal with this medication as i'm dreading taking it again tonight.


Re: Hi I'm New

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 3:33 am
by Violet M
Hello Belle,

Welcome to the forum. You may find this thread helpful. ... =48&t=1590

Take care,

Violet M

Re: Hi I'm New

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:07 am
by carolynm
Welcome Belle! You are amongst friends................


Re: Hi I'm New

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 1:36 pm
by helenlegs 11
Hello Belle,
Welcome. Waving at you from the north east of England :) . There is a very good Dr. in the Bristol area for Pn btw if that would be an easier journey for you? there is also a list of physios for UK and Ireland on the home pages. I have not heard of Dr Goldmeir, I take it this is him? You have added a new name to PN aware/diagnoser to the list already. Good one.
I hope that physio or whatever other conservative treatment and medication you undertake helps you.
Take care,