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I'm back! With a question.
Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 6:41 pm
by DannyB
I was here a little while ago and more or less came to the conclusion that my problems were not down to PN.
But now....I'm not so sure.
The one thing I do know is that this comes closer than anything else I have seen to describing how I feel. And trust me I have considered many things.
I have a question - is the following typical at all?
This week just gone (Tues - Fri) I felt great - hardly even a twinge at all. Then today - It hurts like hell. I woke up with it and it will probably get worse until I go to bed tonight.
This is a regular pattern. I can have days when it almost feels like it has gone then it seems to flare up again really badly.
The thing that frustrates me is that I cannot connect the flare-ups to anything. I don't think I have do anything different on the good days or the bad days.
Anyone else have the same? If so any clues as to what the trigger may be?
Re: I'm back! With a question.
Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 9:36 pm
by Bobby
May I ask what your symptoms are? When you have the flare ups, where does it hurt exactly?
Re: I'm back! With a question.
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 9:24 am
by DannyB
Please see my posts in my original thread here: ... f=2&t=2163
I go into a lot of detail about the symptoms etc in that thread.
Re: I'm back! With a question.
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 6:08 pm
by helenlegs 11
A theory from me. . . . but it could be nonsense! ! Because the pelvic area is so complex with interrelating structures, ligaments, nerves, muscles, organs etc, etc, How they interact can differ depending on whether the muscles are tighter through stress or from any compensation for pain and whether the bladder or bowl are full or fullish perhaps.
How you sleep may have an effect too, I know If I don't spend most of my nights in my contrived sleeping position my next day(s) is not so great. I have had to stop taking Lyrica because it worked too well and allowed me to sleep any old how.I kept waking in awful pain in the night. Back to normal without the lyrica (pregabalin) now.
I also think that nerve problems in the pelvis are often a softer compression/entrapment than say a herniated disc (this may not be true of everyone but it is for me) With a lumbar/disc problem one tiny step forward, a sneeze and a bend or getting back up from a bend can be so painful and instantly so whereas with pelvic entrapments it's often a build up of activity that brings the pain on; even sitting for 5 or 10 minutes or more and because the pain isn't instant it can allow us to do too much without sometimes realising it, only to suffer later.
AT the end of it all nerve pain is plain weird but pelvic nerve pain even more so.
Re: I'm back! With a question.
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 8:09 pm
by carolynm
what kind of activities are you doing in the week? i.e. mostly sitting, standing, exercising, etc? Like Helen said, sometimes our pain does not come on immediately. You could be doing something in the week and pay for it by weekend's time.
Re: I'm back! With a question.
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 2:05 am
by Violet M
Danny, I always had good and bad days with no rhyme or reason as to why -- and if I can pinpoint it to something there's usually a flare up several hours later or the next day. This is pretty common with PN.
Re: I'm back! With a question.
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:29 am
by DannyB
One thing which almost always seems to ensure a flare up is a visit to the cinema.
There must be something about the seats in there. A couple of hours in there can cause me pain for the next 24/48 hours.
I am going to start a new thread with a better title to see if I can relate to anyone else's triggers.
Re: I'm back! With a question.
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 9:32 pm
by calluna
I think that it might help if you kept a diary for a couple of weeks - my pain was almost always delayed, sometimes by a day or even two days, and it was difficult making the connection with whatever it was that caused it.