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new symptons - is this PN related?

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:56 pm
by Question
Hello everyone - got some new symptons - now have major pins and needles in my feet, toes and sometimes heels and sometimes in my left hand, which get worse at night - definately feels like some kind of peripheral neuropathy. Really not sure whether connected to my bottock/perineal pain as is constant and not position related. Am slightly doubtful whether connected to PN and now worried I have some new mystery problem (if you google this sympton there at least 20 different things it could be, some pretty nasty ones) that will take years to get to the bottom of. Am only 32 - am pretty sure this is not normal for somebody of my age. Any suggestions help would be much appreciated. Wondering whether this could be a side effect of six cortisone injections over the last few months.

Also - as an aside none of these injections have provided any relief - had two at ischial spine/two piriformis/one Alcocks Canal and one Caudal Epidural, so wondering whether I really have entrapment of PN in typical locations? Also been seeing a really good pelvic physio who has palpated internally (i.e. up the backside) pudendal nerve at Ischial spine and Alcock's canal and no reproduction of symptons. Only reproduction is on sitting and breaking wind. Weird or what?

Re: new symptons - is this PN related?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:08 am
by helenlegs 11
I definitely get the foot thing with my heel being the worst part, believe many do. Not so sure about the hand one however.

Re: new symptons - is this PN related?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 1:52 am
by Violet M
Question, what drugs are you taking? There is a case report of gabapentin causing polyneuropathy so that's something to consider.

Pain. 1998 Feb;74(2-3):341-3.
Gabapentin induced polyneuropathy.
Gould HJ.
Department of Neurology, LSU Medical Center, New Orleans, LA 70112, USA.
Gabapentin is an effective option for the treatment of neuropathic pain syndromes because of its efficacy and favorable side-effect profile. A case is presented of a 58 year old man who developed a painful polyneuropathy while being treated with gabapentin.