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Any one from Australia

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 12:33 am
by Kate

Im new to this forum & I have been suffering on & off from symptoms that I think is PN.
Ive had stabbing/stinging sensations in the vagina along with sore clitoris & arousal also.

Im on a 20mg of endep at the moment which has helped dull the pain. But im left with days of arousal & I never know when will be a bad day or a good one.
Ive taken time off work so I dont know if when i go back it will be worse or not.

Is there anyone from Australia or Melbourne that has been diagnosed & if so which doctor was understanding & aware of this condition.

I have not yet figured out what brings it on, only that I feeling like curling up into a ball & never seeing the light of day again when im having a flair up

Thank you for any help offered


Re: Any one from Australia

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 12:38 pm
by calluna
Hi Kate and welcome to the forum.

There are quite a lot of members from Australia and New Zealand on the forum - there is actually a separate area for this part of the world, here, and it is quite active as you will see.

There is also a list of Australian doctors in the information section - here.

Endep I think is one of the many different trade names used across the world for amitriptyline? You are only on a moderate dose for this, and of course there are lots of other meds that will also help with neuropathic pain. But I don't think we've come across anyone finding this med to help with PGAD, maybe your doctor would consider some of the meds that do help with this condition.

Do you find that sitting makes the pain worse? - that's a big indicator for PN. If so, then avoid sitting - sounds inconvenient I know, but we've all had to take this one on board, and it does make a real difference.

Re: Any one from Australia

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 1:21 pm
by marg
Hi Kate,
I'm an Aussie, Melbournian to be exact. I go to a fantastic clinic at the Womens Hospital, if this is within your area just reply to this and I'll give you more details

Re: Any one from Australia

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 1:31 pm
by helenlegs 11
Hi Kate and Marg, welcome :)
Glad you have found hope and I'm sure you will get tons of help and emotional support from members here.
Take care

Re: Any one from Australia

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 3:24 am
by Buschy
Hi Kate,

Welcome. This is also my first post. I'm from Queensland. I was recently diagnosed with PN and tried Endep 10 (along with magnesium and Panadol Osteo) for a month. I didn't find the Endep made much difference with respect to the pain and I didn't feel quite myself while I was on it. Lethargic. Still taking the other pills faithfully.

I made the trip to WHRIA in Sydney that specialise in PN (thankfully they treat men as well) and felt it was worth it. I found some of the tips the pelvic floor physiotherapist gave me very helpful. Unfortunately, I do not have access to a physiotherapist that specialises in this where I live in North Queensland. :(

Take care, Ron

Re: Any one from Australia

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 3:29 am
by carolynm

The arousal thing (PGAD) is torture. I use ice and usually it's at night so I take valium and then go to bed. It's better in the morning. There can be no worse symptom than this one.

I TOTALLY understand...............
