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Tolerance to Neurontin

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:10 pm
by Faith
I have been on 2400mg of Neurontin for almost a year now. I feel like I have developed a tolerance to it as it doesn't do near as much for my pain as it used to. Has this happend to anyone else? My pain doctor said they don't really know the long term effects of being on neurontin for chronic pain and everyone's response can be different.

I have asked about switching to Lyrica, but my doctor says its the same as Neurontin (just the metabolite of it so it has a longer half-life and can be dosed twice a day for effectiveness instead of three times a day).

Re: Tolerance to Neurontin

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 7:46 am
by donstore
Neurontin is not the same as Lyrica. If it was nobody would pay the non-generic price for Lyrica. I found Lyrica to be much more effective for me with less side effects than neurontin. Insurance companies don't want to pay for it so they tell the doctors to try to get people to take neurontin. The only way to find out is to give it a try. Nobody knows how or why either of these drugs works. I have found that the effectiveness of Lyrica has declined somewhat over time. I have also found that I can increase my usual dose of 150 mg. 3 times per day for breakthrough pain and then go back to my regular dose the next day with no problems. RJR's pain doc told him it could be used as needed for breakthrough pain. Rick takes 900 mg. per day and has gone as high as 1200. I have taken 300 mg. at once and I was fine.
