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For those who have gone to Hibner
Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:36 pm
by carolynm
Hello all,
To those who have gone to Hibner with + entrapment dianosis from Potter MRI...what does he do first? Does he try Botox? That seems silly if we know the nerve is trapped. Or does he do nerve blocks first? And is that a whole other appt or will he do them while you are there in Phoenix?
Re: For those who have gone to Hibner
Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:59 pm
by nyt
Dr. Hibner is not totally convinced of the Potter MRI. He has some legitimate concerns but he values her MRI highly. I can't say for sure what he will want you to do but he is extremely conservative about surgery. I know if he can he will try to do any treatments such as botox and nerve blocks while you are there but no guarantees that he will be able to. If Dr. Hibner feels you are a surgerical candidate the wait for surgery is quite long. Trying things like botox to try and get the muscle to relax, even if it just gives you some relief before surgery is a good thing. Dr. Hibner is a wonderful, caring physician but they don't have a checklist of things to do before he will do surgery as he really considers each case individually. You should try and see Loretta while you are there since Dr. Hibner values her opinion quite highly.
Re: For those who have gone to Hibner
Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 3:40 am
by carolynm
How many trips to Phoenix did you have to make? And for how many days should I book a hotel?
Re: For those who have gone to Hibner
Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 1:47 pm
by nyt
Before I saw Dr. Hibner I had already been diagnosed by Dr. Howard and Dr. Conway with PNE. I already had the EMG's with Dr. Conway, multiple pudendal blocks, and PT. I have multiple pelvic neuropathies and RSD in both of my legs so that complicates my case. When I saw him because I already had all the work up done he wanted me to have an MRI and we decided I needed a different surgery before we considered the pudendal. Dr. Hibner removed more of a bladder sling I had and did obturator decompression surgery. However, he still wanted me to try botox and the OnQ pain pump before I had the pudendal surgery. He did botox during the sling and obturator surgery. When I spoke to him about 4 months post-op he wanted me to go to NYC for the MRI with Dr. Potter. After the MRI we talked again about what was the best surgical option as Dr. Dellon recommended some different surgeries. Between the recommendations by Dr. Howard and Dr. Hibner I decided to do the pudendal surgeries first. Dr. Hibner decided I didn't need to try the OnQ pain pump trial.
The first time I saw Dr. Hibner I flew in the day before and left the day I saw him. However, if you haven't had any of the work-up done you might want to plan an extra day or two just in case he can do some of the things he recommends. Better to spend a little extra money to stay an extra 1-2 nights instead of having to fly back there. St. Joseph's Hospital has a list of hotels that you can get discounted rates.
I highly recommend you see Loretta just because Dr. Hibner values her opinion so highly. You should book the appointment with her now because it can be hard to get in to see her. I have never met her because I waited to long to book my appointment with her and I couldn't get in. Try to see her before you see Dr. Hibner.