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2 Facebook Instant Chat Groups for Pudendal Nerve Entrapment

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 7:49 pm
by shawnmellis
Hi I am a regular member of this website and forum, but I am also a regular member on a Facebook support group for both men and women with Pudendal Neuralgia and Pudendal Nerve Entrapment. If you would like additional support and the ability to chat online instantly, you may also want to check out these two groups. The link to the first Facebook group is called Pudendal Neuralgia Group at ... if_t=like_ I actually run this support group as well. A lot of the people on this group are also on, but just wanted to share this with you all. Not everybody may like to join this group on Facebook, but it is a closed group, meaning, that not everyone can view it and they must request permission to join the group and they can be taken off the group at the administrators discretion. Again, this is not something everybody has to do, but if somebody is okay with the chance of other's possibly discovering their identity from Facebook as I am, then they can choose to. It is really a personal decision, but everybody should be aware that this is a closed group and you must request permission to join the group. You could also choose to make up a fake name on Facebook and then join the group if you somebody is concerned about someone discovering their identity. Everybody should understand the risks when you post any personal information anywhere on the internet and use their discretion.
