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Ischial Tuberosity pain
Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 2:13 pm
by Kath
I am curious to know why having buttock pain on sitting is one of the associated signs of PNE. Is it to do with the pudendal nerve or is it a secondary muscular pain problem?
Anyone know?
Re: Ischial Tuberosity pain
Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:05 pm
by nyt
The nerve gets compressed when sitting.
Re: Ischial Tuberosity pain
Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:23 pm
by Kath
Thanks nyt.
I'm still a bit confused though as to the path of the pudendal nerve in relation to the ischial tuberosity. I know that if a nerve is compressed/entrapped then you feel pain from the point of compression down to the end of the nerve. So if you are trapped in the ligaments/alcock's canal then does that mean the nerve passes close to the ischial tuberosity after the ligaments/alcock's canal ?
Not sure I'm making any sense here. I'm going to blame the gabapentin making me stupid.
Re: Ischial Tuberosity pain
Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 6:53 pm
by calluna
I don't get buttock pain when sitting - I get pain in the pudendal distribution, mostly on the left. Do most of us get buttock pain, then?
Re: Ischial Tuberosity pain
Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 7:40 pm
by carolynm
No buttock pain here, just perineum....
Re: Ischial Tuberosity pain
Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 2:10 am
by Faith
I definitely have ischial tuberosity, buttock, and sacral pain. If you look at this picture ... 357_01.jpg you will see that the nerve runs under the piriformis and down and around by the ishcial tuberosity making the "Alcock's canal". The "butt pain" is likely from muscle spasms in all the pelvic muscles. Also there can be nerve "cross talk" between the pudendal and sciatic nerve as they lie close in proximity. This can cause the butt to feel "numb" while sitting. I think the location of pain probably correlates to where the entrapment or nerve irritation is located.
hope this makes sense. You can search on the forum for ischial tuberosity pain or butt/sacral pain and read what others have experienced. It's not uncommon.
Re: Ischial Tuberosity pain
Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 2:22 am
by carolynm
when is your Hibner consult? Hope I didn't ask this already....valium on board and I'm not remembering. Just thinking about you since we both have little ones to take care of along with dealing with this nightmare.
Re: Ischial Tuberosity pain
Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:40 pm
by helenlegs 11
Dr Hibner did say that ischeal tuberosity pain is from Alcocks canal . . . . I know I have it. Only with a deepish push but the pain will linger and definitely only sore on one side (which is where the 1T scan reported I was entrapped at Alcocks).
As well as numbness/burning etc does anyone feel as if they could trace some of the path of the nerve (or probably branches of) from the path of pain experienced. I often have the same 'channels' of pain that come and go but always follow the same line.One is a thin line in rectum another only occurs if my clitoris is touched but a pain always shoots behind the back of my thigh, near the top, following the same course. Weird or what ?
Re: Ischial Tuberosity pain
Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 12:09 am
by pomegranate
My ischial tuberosity pain is greatly helped by external PT over the area--connective tissue work and ultrasound specifically. I know that type of PT sometimes flares others, but it has been a lifesaver for me and enabled me to sit much more.
Re: Ischial Tuberosity pain
Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:30 pm
by Kath
Thanks for all the replies.
Helen - Was that mentioned then on the radio interview with Dr Hibner? I haven't listened to that yet. That would make sense since I was trapped in Alcock's canal. I only get ischeal tuberosity pain with sitting, it disappears as soon as I stand. I too could draw the path of the nerve on my own body, the nerve does burn along its length in a line. I think of it like having a wedgie with a hot cheese wire. It's the only way I can describe it!
I do remember Dr G pressing various points on my buttock with me lying down and most of the points I felt no tenderness at all, which he said was the right answer. Then he pressed somewhere else and it was like toothache, the exact same pain I had in the car that morning. When I asked what he pressed on he said 'the pudendal nerve'.