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Can PN/PNE symptoms peak and then level out?
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:16 pm
by PaulSa
This past weekend I had to do some flooring in the basement (I know, I know, but the work has to get done!) after I was done I must have jumped up 3 notches with a big jump with burning in the perineal area, hot flashes, numb feeling and falling asleep sensation in both legs. This lasted until the following day until I returned to my normal pain level. Has anyone else experienced this and is it typical of Pudendal?
Re: Can PN/PNE symptoms peak and then level out?
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:38 am
by Violet M
Maybe your obturator internus muscles and piriformis muscles went into spasm and pressed on your sciatic nerve as well as the pudendal? Just speculating here. Lots of people with PN complain of burning in the perineum and piriformis muscle spasms that impinge on the sciatic causing numbness in the legs. Do you have a PT yet who can evaluate you for any of this?
Re: Can PN/PNE symptoms peak and then level out?
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:31 am
by calluna
I know that if I overdo things then I get some additional pain at the time, but the real flare arrives a bit later on. Often the flare doesn't arrive til the next day, and it usually takes several days or a week to settle back down again, depending on how much I overdid things.
So yes, this fits with what you experienced - delayed pain. I'm glad it has settled down again now for you.
Re: Can PN/PNE symptoms peak and then level out?
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:53 pm
by helenlegs 11
I think it is typical of nerve pain in general, especially if it is a 'softer' muscle or ligament entrapment or irritation ( rather than a disc where a sneeze or jolt causes immediate pain) Like Calluna and probably nearly everyone here I get delayed pain if I overdo it. I painted my decking earlier in the summer, wasn't lifting anything heavy and was on hands and knees most of the time (which I say I can handle the best) but it took several days to get back to base line pain. Whenever I 'overdo' it the 'normal pain' is worse but also extends to hips and groin areas too as Violet says probably other muscles causing problems in the complexly interrelated pelvic area.
A tight piriformis can cause leg pain and problems. I have piriformis syndrome and the back of my legs are constantly numb where the sciatic nerve would innervate. Whereas the obturator nerve innervates this area ... 80&bih=675
As long as it's settled
but it does show the domino effect pevic issues can have and how complex regional pain syndrome can develop from maybe one problem.
If you do experience something similar in the future Violets recommendation of physio to determine what is being affected can do no harm at all and say if it is piriformis, some easy stretches (you tube) may help the situation.
The thing is the spasming muscles are probably your body just saying NO! When will we ever learn.
Re: Can PN/PNE symptoms peak and then level out?
Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 4:04 am
by Torbjorn
HI yes if I over do things I get a great deal of extra pain. Its terrible as I live to do thing. strange though sometimes I can go weeks with no pain then something flares it up.
The pain shifting is weird first one area then another, I love this site. Its the only one I seem to relate. does anyone know of a PN support group I can go to in Houston Texas.
Helen,MY hubby made the site up for me so my name comes up as Torbjorn, sorry for the confusion.
Re: Can PN/PNE symptoms peak and then level out?
Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 3:48 pm
by Torbjorn
Pleaae will anyone tell me if they get constant urinary pain,sometimes running tot he toilet alot, dooes anyone get mouth ulcers, and are you alergic to foods and chemicals. please let me know im desperate to find out, cant seem to get an answer to this one.
Re: Can PN/PNE symptoms peak and then level out?
Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 4:02 pm
by helenlegs 11
I have definitely heard others complain about urinary frequency symptoms and pain when urinating. It was described as 'Lava pee' a description which seems apt. I get Lava leg but thankfully not the other. I'm sure others will comment with better info.
Re: Can PN/PNE symptoms peak and then level out?
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 4:50 am
by Mahzi
Hi my name is mahzi and I live in India and i had decompression surgery in france by dr. eric bautrant. Was pain free for 5 yrs and now my pain is back. I have been put on LYrica 75mg twice a day and baclofen which does give me relief. Out here in India no physio knows how to deal with this problem which is sad. i am better on Lyrica but make me feel like a zombie during the day. Baclofen does help and to top it all i have csolosis on the lower back left side where my PNE problem is so guess that is what is causing it. wish i could even get some exercises to help me out. Its been a month now since my pain is back so yes it can all come back. I hope with withtime Lyrica takes away the pain. Anybody tried baclofen?
Re: Can PN/PNE symptoms peak and then level out?
Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 3:13 am
by Violet M
Mahzi, I tried baclofen and it didn't help much with nerve pain but if you have muscle pain it might help.