Kate - yes, the tape is made of mesh. That was a bladder sling that your doctor was talking about. I had colposuspension about 17 years ago, the tape surgery had not been thought of at that time.
Colposuspension holds the bladder up by taking some long stitches from the back of the pubic bone to the outer wall of the vagina, each side of the bladder neck. The stitches dissolve over time, but scar tissue has formed around them before they disappear, and everything stays in the same place. It is done via an incision along the bikini line. I had a lot of problems with stress incontinence before, the surgery was very successful and stopped it completely.
Lernica - the mesh was placed through the back of the vagina.
I had a series of prolapses and repairs following the colposuspension, then a hyst after which everything was fine for about 10 years. Then I had a very severe prolapse and was told that nothing could be done about it, there had been too many previous surgeries and there was too much scar tissue, no more surgery was possible.
My consultant arranged for me to see an Australian surgeon who was able to help me, the surgery that I had is described
here and
here - total vaginal reconstruction, but modified, mine was a 'custom job'. I have no anterior mesh and no anterior retropubic sling, due to the previous colposuspension which has been left in place. I have a sheet of mesh at the top along the lines of the 'Honda repair' to replace the pubocervical fascia, with attachment to the sacrum. There are lateral transobturator slings for stability, and the distal edge of the mesh provides additional stability for the bladder. I also have posterior mesh and a posterior translevator sling - these are what is causing a problem at the moment - and perineal body reconstruction. This was all done vaginally.
Just about the only mesh I don't have, is the bladder sling that Kate was offered!
It is painful when the mesh extrusion moves, and of course I do have PN now - but other than that it has been a complete success. Everything is back in the right place and appears to be staying there - 2 years now - and everything functions. Except that the mesh extrusion means that sex is impossible, the mesh hurts both of us. Hopefully that will be fixed soon, and who knows maybe the PN will get fixed too.