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Pain referred from one side to the other?

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:03 pm
by Kath

I have read in the information pages that with PN, pain can be referred to the other side. Has anyone experienced this and been told by a PN aware doctor that pain can be referred in this way?

I most definitely have a problem on my right. As well as pain along the course of the nerve on the right I also get pain/tingling down the back of my right thigh and on the inside of the right thigh. But now I am noticing these same sensations down my left thigh. I know I do some wonky sitting and shift alot of my body weight onto the left but just don't know whether this could be the cause or whether I am developing a left hand problem too. :x

Hope this makes sense.


Re: Pain referred from one side to the other?

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:46 pm
by calluna
Yes, I have, and I'm sure I'm not alone in this, it does happen.

I know that the problem with the nerve is on the left side, because of how it started. However I now get pain on the right as much as the left, sometimes it is one side, sometimes the other, sometimes both. I have been told it is because of 'crosstalk', and because all the nerves in that area are very agitated - actually that's not the right word, but I can't think what the right word is.

Re: Pain referred from one side to the other?

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:59 pm
by Kath
Hi Calluna,

Thanks for that. Did Dr Greenslade say this can happen? When he examined me in January he said it was right sided PN and I remember my left side feeling completely normal when he did that exam but all the symptoms he induced were on the right.

Do you have an appointment now Calluna?


Re: Pain referred from one side to the other?

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:16 pm
by calluna
Hi Kath - no it was the Pain Clinic, they said it was very common. I did mention it also to Dr G and he just noted it down, wasn't surprised at all. He didn't examine me, he said there was no doubt whatsoever that I had PN.

I saw Dr Greenslade at the beginning of April, he referred me urgently to a surgeon who is hopefully going to have a look laparoscopically and try to remove whatever is impinging on the nerve. I am seeing the surgeon in August, the letter hasn't arrived yet though.

I do hope it settles down, Kath.

Re: Pain referred from one side to the other?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:58 am
by RJR
Oh yes...when I had flares, mostly before PN diagnosis, would feel it spread to both sides, from both thighs to lower back.

Re: Pain referred from one side to the other?

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:32 pm
by pianogal
I heard that Dr. Hibner said in surgery he only finds problems unilaterally most of the time, even though pain is bilateral. Don't know if I believe him, but then, I've never operated on anyone. But I feel my pain bilaterally. However it's worse on my right side. I figure, since the nerve also functions for orgasm, which sends feelings all over your body, it could also send pain all over??? in a similar manner? just a guess...

Re: Pain referred from one side to the other?

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:47 pm
by Kath
Thanks everyone, that's really interesting and helpful.