different entrapments
Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 6:47 pm
There are SO many different pelvic entrapments reported on this site now, I can not keep up ! !
I wondered if we could list them, any symptoms particularly specific to that entrapment and who was responsible for the diagnosis.
Imaging advances have shown that there are more areas of entrapment than even some prominent PN doctors have thought.
The unfortunate consequence is that some people are told 'there's nothing wrong' or 'it's all in your head', as some PN medical professionals are not aware of medical advances in this area. They often then can't help the (dorsal root , ilionguinal, perinium) PN patient when there is another doctor who could.
Indeed we have just had this posted about hernias causing entrapment in women http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/17/healt ... 1&emc=eta1
My entrapment is fairly uncommon here, maybe because this is a pudendal site primarily'.
I have 'complex varient piriformis syndrome with sciatic, pudendal and gluteal involvement' and pudendal entrapment at Alcocks canal. My pudendal entrapment is at the sciatic notch, because of a spasmed piriformis muscle.
I would say that my symtoms are 'the usual' pudendal ones . . . the main differences being buttock pain (piriformis) and sciatica.
I was diagnosed by Dr Filler, who I know has a 'leaning towards' a piriformis diagnosis but given my symptoms, that is the only one that fits.
To be honest I still haven't a clue about the Alcock canal involvement and which pain can (if any) be attributed to that. It just showed up on a 1 Telsa MRN. I know I have ischeal tuberosiy 'contact' pain but don't know what specificaly that can be attributed to. Maybe thats getting too involved. . . .
I think I should be at the bottom of any list actually.
This post is more to help people differentiate between the different areas of pelvic entrapment causing PN symtoms, . . . . . with a view to them being directed to the best treatment for them at that time.
For instance
ilioinguinal nerve
by Ezzl ยป Thu Apr 28, 2011 6:18 pm
Hi my friends,
Well it looks like my ilioinguinal nerve is entrapped. I will be having the nerve block/injection to see if i can get any relief from the pain the nerve is causing. Has anyone had the ilioinguinal nerve surgery?
Sorry I stole your post Ezz, but if you could say if there are any particular symptoms with this, that would be great.
There are many medically able people on this site who may be able to help with entrapments other than their own and that would be great too.
I wondered if we could list them, any symptoms particularly specific to that entrapment and who was responsible for the diagnosis.
Imaging advances have shown that there are more areas of entrapment than even some prominent PN doctors have thought.
The unfortunate consequence is that some people are told 'there's nothing wrong' or 'it's all in your head', as some PN medical professionals are not aware of medical advances in this area. They often then can't help the (dorsal root , ilionguinal, perinium) PN patient when there is another doctor who could.
Indeed we have just had this posted about hernias causing entrapment in women http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/17/healt ... 1&emc=eta1
My entrapment is fairly uncommon here, maybe because this is a pudendal site primarily'.
I have 'complex varient piriformis syndrome with sciatic, pudendal and gluteal involvement' and pudendal entrapment at Alcocks canal. My pudendal entrapment is at the sciatic notch, because of a spasmed piriformis muscle.
I would say that my symtoms are 'the usual' pudendal ones . . . the main differences being buttock pain (piriformis) and sciatica.
I was diagnosed by Dr Filler, who I know has a 'leaning towards' a piriformis diagnosis but given my symptoms, that is the only one that fits.
To be honest I still haven't a clue about the Alcock canal involvement and which pain can (if any) be attributed to that. It just showed up on a 1 Telsa MRN. I know I have ischeal tuberosiy 'contact' pain but don't know what specificaly that can be attributed to. Maybe thats getting too involved. . . .
I think I should be at the bottom of any list actually.
This post is more to help people differentiate between the different areas of pelvic entrapment causing PN symtoms, . . . . . with a view to them being directed to the best treatment for them at that time.
For instance
ilioinguinal nerve
by Ezzl ยป Thu Apr 28, 2011 6:18 pm
Hi my friends,
Well it looks like my ilioinguinal nerve is entrapped. I will be having the nerve block/injection to see if i can get any relief from the pain the nerve is causing. Has anyone had the ilioinguinal nerve surgery?
Sorry I stole your post Ezz, but if you could say if there are any particular symptoms with this, that would be great.
There are many medically able people on this site who may be able to help with entrapments other than their own and that would be great too.