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Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 1:59 am
by Lernica
My neurologist/pain doctor, Dr. Gordon, has prescribed this to me for pain. It is my first try at an opioid. This opioid apparently has an anti-constipation drug mixed in with it, since any amount of stools in my rectum causes me a great deal of pain.

Has anyone tried Targin? I "searched" it (above) and couldn't find any reference to it. It must be a very new drug.

I have not filled the prescription yet.

Re: Targin

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 2:53 am
by nyt
It appears this drug came on the market, mostly in Europe in June of 2009. It sounds like a very promising drug since so many of us struggle with constipation just from PNE and then we add opiates on top of it makes us doomed having to drink Metamucial :twisted: .

Here are some links to information regarding the drug: ... e+tablets/ ... ctargi.pdf

Please let us know how this drug works for you. This could be very helpful for alot of us if you find this works for you.

Re: Targin

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 4:14 am
by Lernica
Wow! This is very useful info. Thanks Nyt!