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ilioinguinal nerve

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 6:18 pm
by Ezzl
Hi my friends,

Well it looks like my ilioinguinal nerve is entrapped. I will be having the nerve block/injection to see if i can get any relief from the pain the nerve is causing. Has anyone had the ilioinguinal nerve surgery?


Re: ilioinguinal nerve

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 7:43 pm
by MsRivers
Hello there,

If I may ask, how and who diagnosed you?

Re: ilioinguinal nerve

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 12:01 am
by acw
Hi Ezz,

I had pain that was eventually determined to be caused by problems with the ilioinguinal nerve. It started several months after inguinal hernia repair (Aug 2005). I had nerve blocks done, then cryoablation of the nerve (May 2007). Eventually went back to the same surgeon who did the hernia surgery to have him basically do an exploratory surgery (Aug 2007), mostly to remove scar tissue that had formed in that area, and also to get a look to make sure the hernia hadn't recurred. He found a LOT of scar tissue around the nerve. Can't remember if he ended up having to sever it in that area or not. Pain returned again a while later, and ended up having the cryo done again (Feb 2008). Things have been pretty good since then, at least as far as that pain goes (still some other probably unrelated pelvic pain, but that's a different story). It's a relatively easy nerve to "treat", since it is sensory only (no motor function) and fairly easy access.

Re: ilioinguinal nerve

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 12:06 am
by GraceUnderFire
Hi Ezzi,

I had an ilioinguinal neurectomy that failed, unfortunately. The blocks are wonderful and gave me weeks of relief. But these nerves are difficult to see I guess and my surgeon apparently did not neurolyse the correct nerve. It even says in the op report that he found "what he believed to be the nerve" - but I am sure someone more skilled would not have any trouble with this surgery.

Good luck! I am sure it will be a well-deserved relief for you!


Re: ilioinguinal nerve

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 9:04 am
by Ezzl
Has anyone had the injection into the illiongul nerve

Re: ilioinguinal nerve

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 2:42 pm
by Karyn
Hi Ezzl,
I had bilateral injections to the ilioinguinal nerves by Dr. Quesada. They were ineffective for pain relief.
Warm regards,

Re: ilioinguinal nerve

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 2:43 pm
by acw
I had the injections done prior to having the cryoablation of the ilioinguinal nerve. There's a chance that it can have long-term lasting pain relief. Unfortunately, I would only get 2-3 weeks of relief, and the doctor didn't want to be repeating them that often. But it at least served as a diagnostic tool that we were targeting the right nerve and gave more confidence that the cryo would be successful.

Re: ilioinguinal nerve

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 8:46 pm
by Ezzl
Thanks Karyn n acw. I've had one dr confirm it is the nerve n wanted to do the injection but I didn't trust him n wanted my dr treating me to do it which he will when I return v holidays

Re: ilioinguinal nerve

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 4:02 pm
by AliPasha1
Hi Ezzer,
Dr. Dellon,Dr. Ducic at Georgetown University can all address the ilionguinal nerve.I had an ilionguinal nerve block by my Pain Medicine doctor and it didn't help.I don't have ilionguinal neuropathy.The nerve block can be administered by any Pain management doctor.

Kind Regards,