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article on opiods

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:31 am
by Cora
Just saw this article. My pain dr. told me about it. Just more controversy here in Wisconsin. Must be that Mercury in retrograde thing. ;) ... 30114.html


Re: article on opiods

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:15 am
by ezer
Thanks. This article and the comments following are depressing. That "narcotic pain killers should be reserved for terminal cancer patients" attitude is prevalent in this article and the comments following. It does not help patients like us.

Re: article on opiods

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 10:37 pm
by Violet M
Interesting article, Cora. IMO this is the key statement in the article:

Pain specialists who are against tighter regulation of opioids say that a major portion of the abuse and overdose problems have been in people who obtained the drugs illegally. However, critics say the massive increase in prescriptions for chronic and common ailments has contributed to illegal, recreational use of the drugs, as people with prescriptions sell or give away pills or the medications are taken from their medicine cabinets.

The problem is the people who use them illegally. If someone is truly in pain they are not going to give away or sell their drugs. It does not make sense to place more legislation on people who aren't doing anything illegal just because there are some people who aren't obeying the laws already in existence. Why would you ban oxycontin for everyone, including the people who really need it, just because there are some people using it illegally? Why would the people breaking the current law care anything about a new law?

Re: article on opiods

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:04 am
by donstore
Well said, Violet. I couldn't agree more. As Ezer noted, this attitude will only make it harder for people in pain to get help. Opiates aren't for everyone but for many (like myself) they make a huge difference in everyday quality of life.
