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What is recovery from cryablation like?

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 5:55 pm
by Ross
Hi all,

When I was first diagnosed I spent a lot of time on this website. Thank you for creating it! It has been helpful to me.

I have cryoablation of the PN scheduled for tomorrow. My question is, how has recovery been for anyone else? Is it painful? Has it been successful for anyone else? I couldn't find any posts discussing this.

I have had PN for 5-6 years now and it continues to get worse and more entrenched. My first 2 sets nerve blocks gave some temporary relief. Since then I have had maybe 10 RFAs and sometimes they worked and the disorder went away for a while but for the last 2+ years they haven't done much so we agreed this is the next step. My PN affects the penis and scrotum but not the anus. I have heard incontinence is an issue.

I am almost resigned that this PN will never go away. What is scary is that it keeps getting worse and my world is becoming even smaller and more painful.


Re: What is recovery from cryablation like?

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2024 3:26 am
by stephanies

I had cryoablation in 2016. Post-procedure I had a huge pain flare with the substantial increase in pain lasted for many weeks. Ultimately, the procedure was not successful for me. If you search this forum for the term "cryo" I think you will bring up several old posts as a few members have tried it. If memory serves me correctly, there hasn't been much success overall.

I hope the procedure brings you relief. Keep us posted.
