Botox into Piriformis

Botox options, which Doctors use this form of treatment and techniques offered.
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Botox into Piriformis

Post by monty999 »

Zoom call with Bollens. He wants me to have Botox into piriformis. He has based this on the fact that I have pain in my butt which goes down the leg (nerve pain) alongside gluteal crease, Sitbone, groin and perineum pain. He says 90 percent sure this is where my problem is coming from.
Mine is caused by cycling with the worst pain in the saddle area. I can also feel like a buzzing at the alcocks canal at times.
How can it be from piriformis if cycling is the culprit? If I sat on a saddle now it would be very painful.
Anyone had Botox in piriformis that can tell me what to expect.
Am I going to have a pain flare?
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Re: Botox into Piriformis

Post by jaxi123 »

It did nothing for me
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Re: Botox into Piriformis

Post by monty999 »

Did you have sciatic nerve pain as well as pudendal?
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Re: Botox into Piriformis

Post by jaxi123 »

Not at the time I had the Botox in the piriformis muscle. I now have sciatic pain due to the redo surgery that caused re-entrapment from scar tissue.
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Violet M
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Re: Botox into Piriformis

Post by Violet M »

I recently heard from someone who said they had Botox into the piriformis and it has not gone well, but I don't personally know much about Botox into the piriformis and I haven't tried it.

Some of the questions I would be asking are 1. What are the risks? 2. Do they have to use image guidance? 3. Can they do just a trigger point injection into the piriformis first with something like lidocaine to see if it calms and relaxes the muscle and relieves your pain? Then if it does maybe try Botox. 4. How many of these injections has this physician done and what are the success rates? 5. How long will the pain relief last? (Typically Botox only lasts a few months). 6. If it initially helps and then the Botox wears off, can you keep getting repeat injections and if so, can you get them indefinitely? 7. If you get them indefinitely, will it atrophy the muscle?

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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Re: Botox into Piriformis

Post by King »

I got severe flare up after a nerve block, my foot starts to have constant numbness pain and also tingling on the heel. My doctor said that it is very likely that the sciatic nerve is compressed by the piriformis but I have reservation. I think nerve blocks or any kinds of injections through the buttock or pelvis by inexperience physicians are so risky, they called this latrogenic injury that might cause permanent neurologic disability.
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Re: Botox into Piriformis

Post by monty999 »

Are you saying you had Botox into piriformis and it made you worse?
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Re: Botox into Piriformis

Post by jaxi123 »

I’ve had countless rounds of Botox to the entire pelvic floor and not one of them has been helpful. The last round even made me worse, but Doctor won’t admit it, but it did.
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