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Can you have cortisone flare if it’s not pn

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2024 7:36 pm
by monty999
Hopefully someone can answer. If you have a pudendal block with cortisone can you get a flare up from the cortisone if you haven’t got pudendal problem?
For example if a perfectly healthy person had a pudendal block would they then have a flare of pudendal pain/symptoms or experience nothing?
Reason for asking.
Had a pudendal block. Nothing went numb at all. But for 3/4 weeks after I had a massive flare of pain up from a 6/10 to 8/10. Childbirth being a 10/10.
Had second pudendal block. Only went numb in the labia. Didn’t go numb any where around the rectum. My problem is that all my pain is in the area of the ischial tuberosity, inner side near the rectum. I have no pain in the vagina or anus at all, slight discomfort in the labia but only if I walk too much.

Re: Can you have cortisone flare if it’s not pn

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2024 2:12 am
by Violet M
Yes, the steroid can cause a flare up in a healthy person.

If you had no loss of sensation in the distribution area of the pudendal nerve, is quite possible that the block did not reach the intended target.

Regarding the inferior rectal branch of the pudendal nerve, it can have a variation of anatomy in different people. That branch of the pudendal nerve can come off of the main trunk higher than the ischial spine or the Alcock's canal (where the nerve blocks are usually given), in which case a pudendal nerve block would not affect it at all.

I suppose your pain could be considered perineal, which is innervated by the pudendal nerve but it sounds like the nerve block didn't affect it. So what did the doctor who gave the blocks think? Did they think the results of the nerve block point toward PN or something else?
