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What is the best dosage of baclofen rectal suppositories?
Posted: Mon May 06, 2024 3:32 am
by bartland
I just discovered that baclofen suppositories are useful to some people in managing their pudendal pain. I want to ask my doctor to prescribe baclofen rectal suppositories, but I'm guessing they will need to be compounded, and I have no idea what dosage to ask for. I definitely don't want baclofen pills because I hate the way oral muscle relaxers make me feel.
What is the best dosage of baclofen rectal suppositories for pudendal neuralgia?
Re: What is the best dosage of baclofen rectal suppositories?
Posted: Tue May 07, 2024 7:14 am
by Violet M
According to this publication they recommend a dose of 10 mg. at bedtime (HS) but that is for females and it doesn't say whether it's a vaginal or rectal suppository but I don't think that would make a difference in the dose.
This website lists the typical adult oral doses.
In this study, a rectal pain medication was as effective as an oral one so it seems like the rectal dose should be the same as an oral dose. But ask your pharmacist because they should know.
Re: What is the best dosage of baclofen rectal suppositories?
Posted: Tue May 07, 2024 8:39 pm
by bartland
You are amazing - thank you so much!
Re: What is the best dosage of baclofen rectal suppositories?
Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2024 7:08 am
by DaniellaH
Hey, Violet! Do you happen to know how long people take them for for PN pain?
You think one a day for a few weeks or a month too much?
I'm not even sure how long people generally take them for before they notice a change in symptoms.
Thank you!
Re: What is the best dosage of baclofen rectal suppositories?
Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2024 2:24 am
by Violet M
Hi Daniella,
Baclofen is a muscle relaxer so it should work pretty quickly. I don't see why you can't take it for as long as you need it, but these would be good questions to ask the pharmacist.