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mrn claustrophobia

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2024 1:49 am
by happyman
getting an mrn on thursday. i am going to have to go into a claustrophobic little hole??? getting sick just thinking about it

Re: mrn claustrophobia

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 8:26 am
by Violet M
Maybe you can ask for a sedative beforehand?

This may sound crazy but I've gotten to where I like getting an MRI because it gives me a chance to just lie there and go to sleep. I have to get them regularly for a different health condition. So, I don't know if you can adjust your mindset to thinking of it as a time to relax and do nothing but maybe that would help. They always give you a call button in case you need help.

You can do this, Happy.


Re: mrn claustrophobia

Posted: Thu Feb 29, 2024 4:19 am
by stephanies

I have found with imaging that wearing mirrored glasses really helps. When you are lying on the table the mirrors on the glasses reflect behind you which is the open space of the room and it really does a great job tricking your brain. You could ask if your imaging place has them. If not, I also have found that if I tilt my head a little (make sure this is ok with the technician) so I can see outside the tube even out of the corner of my eye, I am ok.

Good luck,

Re: mrn claustrophobia

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 1:32 am
by happyman
hey, apologies for never seeing these responses. your support is very appreciated. i actually shopped around a found a place where i was tall enough to stick my head out of the machine while doing the pelvic 3t mrn. the problem at this point is getting a lumbar mri- which will actually require me to get my head in there. i guess it is time to order mirror glasses and some xanax :D