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Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2024 5:48 pm
by joshenero
Hi everyone,

Been struggling with light symptoms for around 9 months which are progressively getting worse. Not a huge amount of pain, only sharp burning sensation on left side next to rectum, on inside of buttock that comes and goes and is worsened when sitting for long periods. I am also suffering for lack of blood flow to penis and scrotum, leaving them shrivelled up when flaccid and tingling scrotum / tip of penis (at worst a 2/10 in pain) - unless I am sitting on the toilet - they return to normal in this position, and retract one I stand up again. I am suffering from lack of libido as a result - I can still get erections however they can be painful and the few nocturnal erections I have often wake me up due to slight burning pain.

I also have worsening pain in my left hip (hip flexor, and internal groin) as well as lower back pain (and obvious inflammation approx 3-4cm left of my vertebrae around the start of my hips.

I think these could be linked to entrapment of the artery and nerve - I am based in the south of england and would like some advice on what to do to get this fixed and some recommendations on who to see. I understand outcomes are best before symptoms become debilitating.

Thanks :)

Re: Help

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2024 6:52 am
by Violet M
Hi Josh,

Sorry to hear you are on this journey with pain. Have you had any diagnostics yet - like an MRI or a nerve block?

The doctors I know of in the UK are listed on our website at the following link:
I can't promise this list is up to date but it's a place to start.

You might also want to have an evaluation by one of the UK PT's. ... herapists/
(Sorry, the links at the top of that page don't seem to be working at the moment so you might have to scroll down to the UK section). I'm sorry, I don't know the reputation of the UK doctors very well, but some of the PT's might be able to direct you to who is best to see.

You could also send a private message to Mod4 on this forum to see if she can recommend where to go in the UK since she lives there. Hope you can find someone soon.
