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peripheral nerve stimulator

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2023 7:56 pm
Has anybody ever tried a peripheral nerve stimulator? I am looking at a Nalu stimulator or a Curonix stimulator. I would love feedback from others who may have experience with these or other peripheral nerve stimulators. My pain is in my perineum from a motorcycle accident. I have not been able to sit without pain for almost four years. And I've had a plethora of modalities including two SCS and two DRG stimulator. One surgery I had was decompression surgery but that was two years ago and that didn't resolve the issue. The MRN is showing scar tissue tethered to the pudendal nerve at the alcock's canal. Thanks in advance.

Re: peripheral nerve stimulator

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2023 4:36 am
by Violet M
I haven't heard of those two technologies but they sound promising and worth a try, especially since they are minimally invasive.

Scar tissue can be a real problem for some people after surgery, and having another surgery isn't necessarily the answer since you could just develop more scar tissue. So I think you are smart to be looking at other options. If you try the Nalu or the Curonix I would be very interested to hear how they work for you.


Re: peripheral nerve stimulator

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 9:01 pm
I will most likely get one of those stimulators. What is your situation?

Re: peripheral nerve stimulator

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2023 3:22 am
by Violet M
My situation was that I got pudendal nerve entrapment from weightlifting, and I have a likely genetic collagen deficiency with bad pelvic ligaments, pelvic instability, and pelvic misalignment. I had pudendal nerve decompression surgery from Dr. Bautrant in France almost 20 years ago and I'm doing great now, but there was a time I was in really bad shape.

I would be interested to know what type of decompression surgery you had and who the surgeon was. Do you believe the scar tissue was a result of the accident or did it develop after the decompression surgery? If it was a result of the accident and the first surgery didn't adequately deal with it, then maybe another surgery is the route to go. If the scar tissue developed as a result of the first decompression surgery, I would have some reservations about having another surgery that could cause more scar tissue to develop.
