News from Dr. Marianowski in Poland

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News from Dr. Marianowski in Poland

Post by mod3 »

Dr. Marianowski sent us the following information:

Between the 17-26th of November this year, we had the privilege to host Dr Michael Hibner in Warsaw, Poland, a renowned surgeon from Arizona Center for Chronic Pelvic Pain. Dr Hibner visited the European branch of his US practice, EUCCPP (European Center for Chronic Pelvic Pain). Together with dr Sylwia and Piotr Marinowski, they consulted over 50 patients suffering from pelvic pain and pelvic floor symptoms. Dr. Hibner himself performed botox injections, pudendal nerve blocks, excision of neuromas, and ultrasound-guided sclerotization of the clitoral vein. The patients came from all over Europe (Norway, Romania, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands and others). Feedback from patients is very positive, as some of them were offered treatment that is not available in Europe. Dr. Michael Hibner is coming again in April 2024 as there are already scheduled patients for he is most renowned – a transgluteal pudendal nerve decompression surgery. Meanwhile, EUCCPP offers a whole range of treatment options for patients with pelvic floor muscle spasms. For more info, contact us via the AZCCPP office or directly via the European branch +48 572 906 296 or email:

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