SI fusion

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SI fusion

Post by helen1000 »


I used to come here many years ago. I am a graduate of Pudendal Pain. Here is my short history. In 2009 I started to experience Pudendal Pain symptoms. I could not seat and the pain was excruciating. After my travel from dr to dr, I visited Dr Antalack and Dr Conway. With Dr Conway I had an EMG and results were bad, I was ready to go to operation. I
Then locally in Detroit I was diagnosed with SI joint dysfunction. I was recommended to go to PT with Tina Fitzgerald, now she is in hospital of University of Michigan. I was amazed after the first visit that I was sitting not in one butt cheek but symmetrically but instability continued until I was diagnosed with a left labrum tear. After operation and a lot of prolotherapy I became stable and in several years I could seat again. Pudendal nerve pain was gone. I visited dr. Conway and did second EMG and it was not normal but much better.
I highly recommend to anybody who wants to do pudendal surgery, do check for hip problems and SI problems. I did not do PN operation and very glad of it. Cutting your ligaments will make you more unstable, it could be an opposite of what you need..
Now I became more unstable again and I consider SI joint fusion. And I have a question. Did anyone have this operation? What hardware did you use? What doctor performed it. Between US and Canada I am willing to go anywhere if the outcome will be good.
I realize it is just relatively related to PN but I have no other place to go and I guess my story can help someone.
Thank you in advance.
8 nerve blocks rel 6 w.Met Dr. Peters,Dr. Antolack.Dr. Peters pacemaker,Dr Antolack TG operation.Maigne s.Internal PT at Dr Peters Nothing.PFCN block rel 6 w. PFCN RFA.Nothing.SI joint RFA.Nothing.Left scar tissue removal.Good.SIJD. PT of SI joint ME, and Prolo of SI and PS.Lumbar spine facets turned left. ME. T10-12 facets too wide.T10 turned left.ME and Prolo.Labral tears in left hip, spurs.Will have operation at 09/18/13,Met with Dr Conway.EMG shows left PN problem.Good impression of Dr C.
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Violet M
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Re: SI fusion

Post by Violet M »

Hi Helen,

I remember you from before. Sorry to hear you are having issues again.

Like you, I did some prolotherapy for instability and it helped. Unforrtunately, I don't know much about SI joint fusion. You may have already looked up what the possible complications are. On the other hand, maybe it's too scary and it's better not to know!

Anyway, here is one study in case you do want to know.
This website discusses some of the complications.

It would be tough to make a decision - just like it is with PNE surgery. Wishing you all the best with your decision.

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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