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Dr. Michael Durtnall changed my life

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2022 12:24 pm
by Cornelia
I have been suffering with a huge constipation and guts issues for 10 years. No one could find out what my problem was. I have seen many doctors and specialists and never go the answer or solution to my problem. Nothing worked - I changed my diet many times, I had best the gastrospecialists in the city but no one could find a reason to my suffering. What I found out recently was that the problem was elsewhere. A few months ago I almost gave up and did not want to live anymore as my bowels did not work and nothing could help me with that issue. Nothing worked, nothing. I got depressed and miserable and so in pain.

However, I reminded myself that I had a sciatica 10 years ago but I had never considered that this could cause any of my gut issues until I saw Micheal and he told me THAT the sciatica is my problem as well as coccyx. He said that we could work on it and it might get better. He gave my hope but to be honest I did not believe it was going to be possible and working on my coccyx will help me solve my problem.

Little did I know, after first visit and first treatment I saw a huge improvement RIGHT AWAY (around 50% improvement). I was shocked but again my thought was '' it will only last for a day or two'' but it did not. Every day since then I could see feel and improvement and my constipation is such a rare thing now that I cannot believe it still. I have been seeing Micheal ever since and I don't remember feeling that good in the past 10 years. It has been a month since I started coming to the clinic and I still cannot believe how Micheal did it.

There are ups and downs and some days are worse than better but Micheal told me this is how it is going to be for a while BUT it does not matter to me beucase he gave me hope and more importantly he gave me na answer to my question and no one has been able to give me for the past 10 year. I was ready to give up on my life as I spent 10 years of my twenties (I am 29 now) suffering and having no life, just being in pain all the time. He did what I have never thought anyone could do in my case and I will be forever grateful for that. There are no words to express my gratitude and even writing it now I am just crying because I cannot believe it is actually happening and I am getting better week by week.

He changed my life and made me want to live again. It was my birthday last week and he gave me the best gift I could ever received

I hope reading it you will find your courage to come see Micheal if you are suffering and please to believe me, he is one of the nicest and loveliest people I have ever met.

I will come back here with an update in July!

Lots of love to everyone reading it!
K x

Re: Dr. Michael Durtnall changed my life

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 9:22 pm
by DakotaGirl
What treatment did he do that helped you on the first try?