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Acute clitoral pain -- Genitofemoral nerve.

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 3:13 am
by tara21
Hello all,

I have written in the past but hoping someone new might have some insight. Violet has always been immeasurably helpful.

2 years ago I had a genitofemoral block on my pubus. Immediately I was in acute pain and it has never stopped. It was mostly provoked pain (ie when touched, but also just sometimes unprovoked).

Fear and other issues (other various even more acute post surgical pains) has kept me from doing a more distal GF block. However, I recently had nerve hydrodissection done via US of the IL/IH nerve with the hopes it might help go into the GF but instead it seems to have increased the clitoral pain. It's even more hypersensitive now. Very very very hypersensitive.

Has anyone on this listserv had a distal GF block (not on pubus but on the abdominal area) and was it successful? OR has anyone relieved themselves of acute clitoral pain via other methods (acupuncture or medication, etc).

Thank you, Tara

Re: Acute clitoral pain -- Genitofemoral nerve.

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 12:56 am
by sadie
I searched genital femoral nerve block in the search bar and there were no results but will continue to speak to u on phone n with texts and hope that u continue to report what does n does not work to include any possible medications if any.
So that it can help others that come here.

Please refresh my memory...was the Gen fem block with steroids or lidocain ..both of which are dangerous.

You have my number , keep posting all the advice you get OTHERS suggestions, calls n pm n texts so OTHERS FROM PUDENDALHOPE.ORG can read n be helped.

I noticed when some patients post and are help privately it looks like they are ignored ...

Text or call any of us when u encouragement....I believe after talking to you that nerves take time to heal, 3 to 5 years or longer. Neurpoathy is not for the impatient...allow time to heal ...try one of the antidepressant classes like a snri or a ssri like Lexapro.

Remember many of us are on cocktails of meds , so don't be afraid to add a little lyrica to the mix.

You are not a pin cousion. You are a pricless tapestry of all your life experiences and passions and no more needle should be used on it. Give your body time to calm down n heal.. I FEEL YOUR PAIN N FRUSTRATION . maybe if you find a medication to help you, the clock will not tick as slowly as you wait for nature to heal what it can.. I feel in time you will find relief. Hugs Sadie