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Potter MRI Hospital for Special Surgery

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 2:45 am
by flash gordon
Hi all,
Been years since I have been here. I pretty much gave up on a cure for my condition of hypersensitivity at the tip of my penis. As of this November a new shooting pain down the left side of my shat to the tip has emerged. I said enough and had the MRI of my pelvis done at the Hospital for Special Surgery in NY. Results ce back with no compression noted. Some tearing along my sit bone on the left but nothing else. I have had a laminectomy on my lumbar spine but that was for sciatic pain which has mostly resolved. Any advice as to what to do next would be helpful. I Lost and been surfing for about 11 years now.

Re: Potter MRI Hospital for Special Surgery

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 6:14 am
by stephanies
Hi Flash,

When did you have the laminectomy, before or after your PN pain began? I ask because in my search for answers, I have been learning more about spine issues and PN. Did you have both lumbar and sacrum MRIs? You can always get other doctors to look at the images and see if they see anything different than Dr. Potter. I have found that different doctors find different things significant.


Re: Potter MRI Hospital for Special Surgery

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:04 am
by flash gordon
I had the PN pain before the laminectomy. I am in the middle of working with a urologist at Stony Brook University. Don't have much confidence in outcome though. I have been to Dr. Chapman in NYC (off of this web site years ago)about a PN nerve block but am scared. I can still have relations with my wife even though there is some discomfort. I am afraid of something going wrong and losing that. Thanks for the advice. Trying to show the mri around. Hope you find answers for your own issues. FG